Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

tim wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:52 am
It takes years for people who have never lived outside of their small town life to trust a stranger and even then you will always be an outsider.
My mother told me 2 generations in her town of 1,000 people in rural Nebraska. In other words, the first generation stranger will never be accepted. Their children who are born in the town will be.
Higgenbotham wrote:
Sun Feb 05, 2023 6:39 am
My mother grew up in a small town in one of the red counties of the upper midwest. edit: Actually, her county is orange. When I was a boy, she told me it takes 2 generations for a newcomer to town to be fully accepted by the people in the town. For anyone making a move to one of these areas, you would be advised to, first of all, understand the culture and, second, to expect that your family will be giving more than you take for a very long time. It's been my experience that some people will spread rumors, and some of those will not be very flattering. It is what it is.
For those whose parents left the town and were born elsewhere like me, based on examples that I have seen, if they return they are expected to do something to improve the town. When I was in the town some years ago, I was told to go down to the library to meet a guy who returned after retiring. He was helping build an addition onto the library. That got written up in the local paper with his photo.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

Posts: 7595
Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:28 pm

Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

FullMoon wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2024 12:17 am
As a gardener, I learned the value of animal husbandry. Vegetables have a hard time sustaining a family, learn trapping/hunting or keeping your own. Quickly.
We've been relying on a guy who hunts deer and wild hogs. About a week ago, he dropped by. I'll get back to that.
Higgenbotham wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2024 2:19 am
Anyway, about the time I got everything cleared out of the garage, my wife called and said she found someone who is combining households (second marriage) and wanted all her furniture moved out right away so she could sell her house. She gave a lot of it away. So the garage is full again.
So I had gone through this garage full of furniture and one of the items was a bar table with 4 bar stools. The table was made in Vietnam and just needed a few missing bolts replaced that had fallen out. One of the chairs just needed the bolts tightened.


The table and the 4 bar stools were set up in the house when he came. He sat down and said he wanted the table. I told him my wife wasn't selling it. She was at work and he didn't know it, but she was listening on the ring system. A few minutes later he told me his wife wanted the table and I repeated what I had told him. Then at some point he opened up a closet and commented about the closet going under the stairs. I think he was looking to see if the closet was capable of having food storage. It is and it does, but he couldn't see it.

I told my wife he's not coming back. She had no problem with that because she heard and saw all that besides a bunch of bullshit I didn't mention.

Things are getting more squirrely as the new dark age tightens its grip. Those who have meat may what to know what you've got to trade for it besides funny money. Just one data point.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

Posts: 7595
Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:28 pm

Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

Once central authority does collapse, an area may lapse into chaos
and warlordism for a time, disrupting both licit and illicit trade. Even-
tually new forms of governance begin to emerge.
The Five Stages of Collapse by Dmitry Orlov, p. 175

Not sure what "for a time" means or how long "eventually" takes. What I've envisioned in the case of the US is that Defund the Police and lack of support for police could result in many former police starting private security firms. That has the result of moving police protection from everyone to those who can afford it. If someone lives in an area where there are enough people who can afford private security protection, it may be possible for them to band together and proactively keep the would be warlords out. In a world with no money "afford" would mean something different than it does today. It might mean giving 1/4 to 1/3 of the production from your land to whoever is providing the protection.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Joined: Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:34 pm

Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

The sprint to mud huts is increasing as the ferals are going rampant as the city fool's finger point while it locks up in real time
and logistics seize up from the shock. Capital is locking down zones to survive the mindless fools who simply decimated zones.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

Criminal groups have names, which are usually toponymic or eth-
nic designations (pérmskie, kazánskie, chechénskie, kavkázskie). Criminal
authorities (avtoritéty) name themselves in the style of medieval nobles,
taking as their surname their locality of origin. These names function
as flags to which their troops pledge allegiance and under which they
serve, and the phrase used when joining a criminal group —vstat’ pod
flag (to take position under the flag) —makes this association explicit.
These designations play a critical role in laying claim to a territory and
in negotiations between criminal groups. They are a mark of sover-
eignty. Once a name and the associated reputation are sufficiently well
established, it can become a trademark that can be used separately from
its founder (who can be dead, in jail or living in London courtesy of the
Queen) and expanded through franchising.
The basic technique for founding a racket is to recruit a client. This
is a three-step process. In step one, the racketeer creates a problem for
the client. In step two, the racketeer offers the client a solution to this
problem in exchange for payment. In step three, the racketeer assures
the client that the problem will not recur as long as payments continue
to be made. Extortion is a natural and spontaneous result of opportu-
nity, which then just as naturally and spontaneously evolves into a pro-
tection racket: “The institution of the protection racket springs from
the absence of a monopoly of force.”18 The initial act of extortion was
often messy: “Unlike refined fictional extortionists, the real ones kid-
napped [their] victims, put them in coffins, and placed the coffins on
trucks for the ‘last journey’ to the cemetery.”19 But the difference be-
tween extortion and protection is a matter of degree. Singular episodes
of extortion morph into a stable business relationship of protection,
as a bandit “strives to establish permanent tributary relations with in-
habitants of his domain and provides certain services that justify his
demand for tribute.”20
The recruitment process could be rough, or not, but it served an es-
sential function; in the prevailing business climate, protection —called
krýsha (roof) —was essential. If the creditor does not have protection
and the amount of the debt is larger than the price of a contract killing,
it is cheaper to kill the creditor than to discharge the debt. If you do not
have krýsha but your competitor does, what is to stop your competitor’s
enforcement partners from shutting down your business? If a supplier
takes your money but does not deliver, and you do not have krýsha, how
do you get your money back? And so on and so forth. The proliferation
of protection rackets was largely a response to an objective need: busi-
nessmen wanted to do business with people they did not trust, and in
the absence of an effective legal means to enforce contracts, another sys-
tem had to be improvised. And so it came to be that each new business
had to pay protection money to one group or another. The fees started
at a few hundred dollars a month and went as high as 20–30 percent
of revenue.
In spite of this, business owners viewed rackets as a minor
problem, and preferred to deal with racketeers rather than the police,
the tax collectors or the courts, seeing the racketeers as a viable and
affordable alternative to all of the above. Moreover, “in Russia in the
mid-1990s the very existence of the ‘state’ as a unified entity and of the
public domain itself was called into question.”21 Krýsha is another term
that has entered Russian business lexicon: “In current Russian business
parlance...the term krýsha is used to refer to agencies that provide in-
stitutional services to economic agents irrespective of the legal status of
providers and clients.”
The Five Stages of Collapse by Dmitry Orlov, p. 118-9
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

Posts: 7595
Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:28 pm

Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

FullMoon wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2024 12:17 am
Higgenbotham wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:31 pm
In my opinion, the most important consideration about fleeing an area while anticipating the appearance of roaming warbands is to be sure you're slightly ahead of the point at which the warbands have control of roads. A plan can easily be mapped out ahead of time where you avoid interstates, know how much gasoline needs to be packed in the vehicle, how much time it will take to get to the destination, and all that. But if, for example, you're on what you thought was a safe road out in the middle of nowhere and you see a roadblock in the distance, then a big sign that says "Get Out or Die" you're pretty well screwed. In an era of declining access to fuel, you know what they're going to be looking for and at a minimum they will take all the extra fuel in your vehicle and siphon everything out of your gas tank.
THIS is why I have already made the move. I don't think it was the best place I could have chosen BUT it was the best got with all the stuff that came along with moving. It seems that getting out is rather shockingly getting more obviously needed. Trying to figure out an escort plan is good but then what.... Then you'll be lees than where you could've been had you actually moved before it wasn't absolutely necessary.
As a gardener, I learned the value of animal husbandry. Vegetables have a hard time sustaining a family, learn trapping/hunting or keeping your own. Quickly.
There might be a workaround to the scenario I described. It reminded me of something. One year I was driving across rural Ontario, Canada when my car broke down. It may have needed an alternator, can't remember for sure (now I remember it was a water pump). It was just a bolt on part that needed about an hour to put on. Some old guy came by in a tow truck and towed me to his house. His kids checked to see how soon it would be before they could get the part. It was going to be awhile, maybe 2 days. They told me I could sleep in a trailer out back. I had something like $300 in my wallet. When I saw the situation there and heard what the part would cost, etc., I took some money out of the wallet and put it somewhere else on my person, figuring about what they ought to be charging. So when they got done, they were about $10 over what I had in my wallet. I pulled out my wallet as if I had no idea what was in it and counted it. There were 3 of them there and the woman said don't take all his money and she left me with something like $10. One of her sons then asked if I would be coming back through and I said yes. He asked me to buy some cigarettes in the US and bring them into Canada to sell them to him at cost.

If I were to make a trip as described above, it assumes fuel supplies out on the road would be sporadically available to non-existent. Someone could keep their fuel well hidden under personal possessions, even putting it in things that don't look like gas cans, then keep the tank fairly full so that in the event of being caught they would have a good amount of fuel to take. Then if they ask where you got the gas, you could make up a story and ask them to leave a gallon or two in the tank so you could get to your destination 40 or 50 miles down the road.

It may have been Franz Pick who used to say the same thing about gold. He said bury most of it but leave enough above ground so that if the authorities come to seize it they will feel like they got it.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

DT Subscriber

Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by DT Subscriber »

We are the West’s last generation before the new Dark Age begins

There is no future for our civilisation if universities’ totalitarian indoctrination of the young continues
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/0 ... -dark-age/
There is a fatal contradiction at the heart of Western societies, a nihilistic impulse, a pathological self-loathing that threatens to destroy our way of life. We live in the freest, wealthiest, healthiest, fairest and most technologically advanced polities in history, and yet millions of young people are being taught to hate the West, to despise the liberties that make their lifestyles possible, to tear down every institution and tradition.

Marx was wrong: it is not the working classes that are alienated by modernity but the bourgeoisie, and especially their morally adrift children, many of whom genuinely believe that the West is an evil hellhole. The revolutionary urge emanates from the universities, and their guilt-ridden graduates. Too many have turned themselves into woke indoctrination camps, with hard-Left administrators encouraging post-modern academics to brainwash a generation.

There is now a striking correlation between levels of education and holding stupid, destructive ideas, between being highly credentialled and falling for every fashionable conspiracy theory, every tribalistic affliction, every online fad.

This madness has culminated in the explosion of anti-Semitic hatred on campuses across America, in scenes that should not be acceptable in any civilised country. They include the harassment of Jewish students, blockades, threats of violence and pro-Hamas and pro-Iran sloganeering by activists camped out in tents.

These protests are even more toxic than those of 1968: today’s woke ideology is totalitarian, racist, anti-Semitic, anti-family, anti-capitalist and collectivist. It rejects as illegitimate not just conservatism but also Left-liberalism and democracy. It promotes anti-white hatred and Israelophobia. Its supporters loathe the West and automatically back our enemies. They demonise successful minorities as “white adjacent”.

Shai Davidai, a Jewish academic at Columbia, the worst affected institution, compares the protests to 1938 Germany; a rabbi advised Jewish students to go home and the university has cancelled all in-person lectures. The calls for Minouche Shafik, Columbia’s president, to quit are growing, in my opinion she has been far too soft on the protesters and has failed to do enough to protect Jewish students, many of whom are starting to believe they no longer have a future in the West.

Shafik almost became governor of the Bank of England in 2019. She was inexplicably backed by some Tories; her consolation prize was to be elevated to the Lords. Lady Shafik was one of four economists summoned by Boris Johnson in 2022 when he was seeking to relaunch his premiership post-Covid; luckily, Johnson ignored her advice.

In her eminently forgettable What We Owe Each Other: A New Social Contract, endorsed by Ursula von der Leyen, she calls for more redistribution, praises the French Marxist Thomas Piketty, and argues that “a promising strand of research” suggests that “a wealth tax of 2-3 per cent a year would allow governments to increase efficiency, promote economic growth and reduce inequality all at once”. In theory, Shafik cares about “social justice”; in practice, as the (extremely well-paid) president of Columbia, it appears she has allowed the mob to run riot. She needs to resign or be fired.

The past six months have exposed the West’s Left-wing elites as fakes: they virtue-signal about inclusion and diversity but don’t mean it. It is a gigantic lie. A movement obsessed with seeing “microaggressions” everywhere downplays real acts of violence, such as that meted out to a Jewish woman stabbed in the eye at Yale. A movement committed to paranoid safetyism is unconcerned about the actual safety of the “wrong” kind of people.

A movement that claims to be feminist refuses to condemn mass rape by terrorists. A movement that says it cares about the rights of Muslims has no interest in defending the Uyghurs in China, the Rohingya in Myanmar or any other genuinely persecuted community. A movement that believes in cancelling anybody with conservative, libertarian or Christian viewpoints is happy to embrace Islamist chants, or calls to wipe Israel off the map. A movement that pretends to be anti-racist is willing to chase away Jewish students, condones anti-white and anti-Asian racism and rejects Martin Luther King’s colour-blind vision.

The hypocrisy is unconscionable. The woke ideology is incompatible with the preservation of the West – and yet it is this philosophy that we are allowing universities to indoctrinate our children with.

Wokery has made massive progress in Britain, and there have been some horrible demonstrations of it on UK campuses. With the exception of the excellent University of Buckingham, where pluralism reigns, every other university in the UK employs almost exclusively Left-wing academics, a bias that wasn’t anything like as pronounced even 25 years ago.

We have some safeguards: opposition to critical race theory and gender ideology are protected philosophical beliefs under the Equality Act. The Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act is one of the few genuinely good Tory reforms of the past 14 years. Arif Ahmed, the inaugural director for freedom of speech and academic freedom, has said that calls for genocide, or speech that incites violence, will not be protected “under any circumstances”, but that he will defend genuine plurality of opinion when the new regime begins in August.

Yet this isn’t enough. In 1581, Oxford University decided that no student would be allowed to matriculate unless they swore oaths to the Queen and the Church of England. It took until the 1871 Universities Tests Act to liberate Catholics, Jews and others to study, graduate and work at Oxford, Cambridge and Durham.

In 2024, Left-wing ideology is the new secular religion. Do we need another Universities Test Act? How do we drastically increase the percentage of non-Left-wing academics? Is the answer to launch new non-woke institutions, like the University of Austin? Or to terminate all subsidies on non-scientific subjects that are more prone to politicisation? In the US, the Ivy League will be hit by multi-billion dollar lawsuits for discrimination. Some are targeting their huge endowments, arguing that this is the time for a new Dissolution of the Monasteries.

Whichever way we go, we cannot grant the Left a permanent monopoly on universities. The West has no future if our youth are taught to hate our civilisation.


Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Guest »

Higgenbotham wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:28 am
The table and the 4 bar stools were set up in the house when he came. He sat down and said he wanted the table. I told him my wife wasn't selling it. She was at work and he didn't know it, but she was listening on the ring system. A few minutes later he told me his wife wanted the table and I repeated what I had told him. Then at some point he opened up a closet and commented about the closet going under the stairs. I think he was looking to see if the closet was capable of having food storage. It is and it does, but he couldn't see it.

I told my wife he's not coming back. She had no problem with that because she heard and saw all that besides a bunch of bullshit I didn't mention.

Things are getting more squirrely as the new dark age tightens its grip. Those who have meat may what to know what you've got to trade for it besides funny money. Just one data point.
That's actually quite distrubing.

Posts: 12661
Joined: Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:34 pm

Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

2 things alone.
Stupid things for over 11 years.
Under the hood they are unable to even pretend to get it.
The term he used was impaired.
We contend infected.

Posts: 7595
Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:28 pm

Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

Guest wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2024 10:20 am
Higgenbotham wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:28 am
The table and the 4 bar stools were set up in the house when he came. He sat down and said he wanted the table. I told him my wife wasn't selling it. She was at work and he didn't know it, but she was listening on the ring system. A few minutes later he told me his wife wanted the table and I repeated what I had told him. Then at some point he opened up a closet and commented about the closet going under the stairs. I think he was looking to see if the closet was capable of having food storage. It is and it does, but he couldn't see it.

I told my wife he's not coming back. She had no problem with that because she heard and saw all that besides a bunch of bullshit I didn't mention.

Things are getting more squirrely as the new dark age tightens its grip. Those who have meat may what to know what you've got to trade for it besides funny money. Just one data point.
That's actually quite disturbing.
Americans aren't very good at controlling their impulses. That brings me to the next post.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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