GD Predictions - Mars Lander - Predicting the Future

Threads created by Reality Check
Reality Check
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Re: GD Predictions - Mars Lander - Predicting the Future

Post by Reality Check »

The coming financial crisis and the coming crisis war are going to force the Hero generation, and to some extent, Generation Xers, to make choices.

They will be forced to chose because their very existence will depend on it. That is why it is a crisis.

The hero generation will be forced to go off and fight in the war because the alternative is to lose the war and likely your life.

Of course one of the possible results of going off to fight is to die.

The chosen fixes to the economy may actually make things worse, but not doing anything will be so bad, they will be forced to try something.

After surviving the war and the New Great Depression, those of the Hero generation who do survive, will know in their bones and their guts that they do have the power to change things and they will not fear making changes. What they will fear is allowing that which they just survived to occur again.

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Re: GD Predictions - Mars Lander - Predicting the Future

Post by John »

Dear Higgie,
Higgenbotham wrote: > John, the last 3 major disasters that I can think of are Fukushima
> (2011), the BP Oil Spill (2010), and the Greek Tragedy (2010 and
> ongoing). Thinking of these disasters or choosing some disasters
> that you feel are more appropriate, can you think of anything
> that's been learned in the past 11 years from the series of major
> disasters that have occurred since 9-11, by any generation, in any
> country? Because, seriously, I can't. The only change in behavior
> that I can see due to the previous disasters is to make a more
> concerted effort at denial, lying, coverups, and can kicking as
> soon as there's any hint that a new disaster is unfolding or an
> ongoing one is resurfacing. Case in point last month was the
> Merkel government's response to German debt being put on negative
> watch by Moody's."
Fukushima - Japan's Gen-Xers shut down all its nuclear reactors, and
is now re-learning that it still needs nuclear power. Germany has
gone through a similar re-learning process.

BP - America's Gen-Xers shut down all offshore oil drilling, but
hasn't yet re-learned how allow it. Meanwhile, other countries are
doing it.

Greece - More and more investors every day are learning that the EU
politicians are competely full of crap, and that they have to get
their money out of Greece, Spain, etc. That's why Wall Street is
doing so well.


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Re: GD Predictions - Mars Lander - Predicting the Future

Post by John »

With regard to debt, the Boomer/Republican position is reduce debt,
and the Gen-X/Democratic position is increase spending. Both lead to
disaster, because nothing can prevent disaster right now, but the
eventual conclusion will be that debt is bad, re-learned from the

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Re: GD Predictions - Mars Lander - Predicting the Future

Post by Higgenbotham »

Reality Check wrote:
Higgenbotham wrote:The only change in behavior that I can see due to the previous disasters...
I know you did not phrase that as a general question. But I am going to take a shot at it anyway.

Learning something, and changing something is not the same thing.

Everyone...learned the bankers ripped everyone off and the politicians can not be trusted...

The Greeks learned they can not trust their own government elites nor can they trust the European elites...

The people in Japan learned they could not trust their own government to tell them the truth nor to protect them...
John wrote:Greece - More and more investors every day are learning that the EU
politicians are competely full of crap...
I agree. I pointed toward the Merkel government having not changed its behavior as evidence that nothing has been learned. But your point in that case would probably be that the people who live under that government have learned something, and that is the right way to look at it. Since that is the case, the change will come in time.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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