
Topics related to current and historical events occurring in various countries and regions
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Post by John »

Austria played a pivotal role in the development of the European war
in the 1930s.

On May 11, 1931, the Credit-Anstalt bank of Austria failed. This
triggered mass panic and bank failures throughout Central Europe, and
generated a worldwide banking crisis. On July 13, the German Danatbank
failed. Foreign investors in Germany quickly withdrew their capital
from Germany, heightening the crisis, leading to the complete collapse
of the German economy. By the end of the year, there were over 6
million unemployed, and the resulting social tension gave rise to
Communism and Naziism.

Yesterday (Sunday), Austria stunned Europe and Israel because of a
far right victories in the general elections

The two far-right parties, the Freedom Party and the Alliance for the
Future of Austria took nearly 29% of the vote, preliminary results

The Social Democrats won the polls with 30%. But they, and the
conservative People's Party, with 26%, suffered their worst results
since 1945.

The Social Democrats and the People's Party had formed a coalition
that had governed until recently, when political bickering forced a
new election.

Israel has expressed concern over the result, foreign ministry
spokesman Yigal Palmor said in Jerusalem. "We are following with
concern and anxiety the increase in factions supporting xenophobia,
denial (of the Holocaust) and friendship with neo-Nazis," he said. ... YlZQ65gnEg

The Austrian election has a special historical significance because
of the conjunction of two events: The sudden rise of the far right,
and the American Congress's rejection of the "Bailout of the World"
plan on Monday. Wall Street stock indexes have plummeted 5-6% on the


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Re: Austria

Post by bjoern »

Yesterday I read somewhere else: " Austria (Vienna) often was the lab for something, but the production always took place outside of Austria."

Hi John!

I am from Austria. I follow your Website since the the beginning of the year.

First of all I wanted to ask, what is "far-right". Far-right for me are the Nazis. You are right on the main reason for the gains of our so-called far-right parties - the people are protesting against the two major parties and their policies, but the people also have not forgotten the Nazis and cruelties they did. It took Austria nearly 50 years to compensate victims of the Nazi-regime. It was my generation (I am 30 years old) which payed back what was stolen from jewish people and others, not the generation of our grandfathers and - mothers which broadly supported, at least in the beginning, Adolf Hitler and his criminals.

BUT: ...the people, with their education level, their struggles and daily-problems are a product of the last 30-40 year of politics, done by the two mayor parties (or should I say former mayor parties). Now in a time of great insecurity they simply follow the parties which promise them heaven and earth and it was really unbelieveable this time. Again because the system educated and raised them in this way and did not teach them to think on their own.
One fact of sundays election is that the two far-right parties gained massive support from young and firsttime voters and from retirees. This in case of the younger voters is really a change. Miseducucation and prejudices against foreign people are still in the everday language of many people, but they do not mean it that negativ, it´s more common use.

As far as I can say, I don´t think there will be again a government with one or both of the two rightwing parties, because together the two "old" parties want to stay in power and so I think they will find a way to work together again. Nevertheless this maybe can create a much more devastating victory for populisitic rightwing parties in the next elections, if the "two-old" parties miss maybe their last chance to show the people they are working for them and not for their clients in unions, corporations and only so-called NGOs.

Kind regards from Austria, bjoern!

ps: sorry if there is bad english - I told you the education is not so good ;-)

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Re: Austria

Post by John »

Dear Bjoern,
bjoern wrote: > I am from Austria. I follow your Website since the the beginning
> of the year.
bjoern wrote: > One fact of sundays election is that the two far-right parties
> gained massive support from young and firsttime voters and from
> retirees. This in case of the younger voters is really a change.
> Miseducucation and prejudices against foreign people are still in
> the everday language of many people, but they do not mean it that
> negativ, it´s more common use.

> As far as I can say, I don´t think there will be again a
> government with one or both of the two rightwing parties, because
> together the two "old" parties want to stay in power and so I
> think they will find a way to work together again.
I accept your view that the two right-wing parties won't be forming a
government, but as I do so, I have to add a warning.

You make it clear, as I already had found from the research I did,
that the right-wing parties got most of their support from young

A major principle of Generational Dynamics is that those in the
young generation are the ones that cause major changes of this type,
particularly xenophobic changes during generational Crisis eras.

That is, countries become increasingly xenophobic during Crisis eras,
and it's the young generation that drives this change.

And so, if Austria DOES move sharply to the right, it won't come from
your generation; it will come from the generational following you.
bjoern wrote: > ps: sorry if there is bad english - I told you the education is
> not so good ;-)
Very funny, but your English is much better than my German.



John J. Xenakis
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Re: Austria

Post by John »

Message from a web site reader from the Netherlands:
> Maybe this is confusing, but The right wing anti-Islam parties
> winning support all over Europe are the only friends Israel still
> have. (the anti-Semites/Nazi's are nearly exclusively found in the
> European liberal, left wing parties).

> Please read this speech from Geert Wilders, a dutch right wing
> politician and Islam critic.

> He said: "I see defending Israel as a matter of principle. I have
> lived in this country and visited it dozens of times. I support
> Israel. First, because it is the Jewish homeland after two
> thousand years of exile up to and including Auschwitz, second
> because it is a democracy, and third because Israel is our first
> line of defense. "
He then references a speech by Geert Wilders given in New York on
Sept. 25. The speech can be found here:

The speech is inflammatory and directed against Muslims in Europe.


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Re: Austria

Post by John »

I'd like to comment on a couple of things from the speech by Geert
Wilders given in New York on Sept. 25, described above.
Geert Wilders wrote: > But in all of these cities, sometimes a few blocks away from your
> tourist destination, there is another world, a world very few
> visitors see - and one that does not appear in your tourist
> guidebook. It is the world of the parallel society created by
> Muslim mass-migration. All throughout Europe a new reality is
> rising: entire Muslim neighbourhoods where very few indigenous
> people reside or are even seen. And if they are, they might regret
> it. This goes for the police as well. It's the world of head
> scarves, where women walk around in figureless tents, with baby
> strollers and a group of children. Their husbands, or slaveholders
> if you prefer, walk three steps ahead. With mosques on many street
> corner. The shops have signs you and I cannot read. You will be
> hard-pressed to find any economic activity. These are Muslim
> ghettos controlled by religious fanatics. These are Muslim
> neighbourhoods, and they are mushrooming in every city across
> Europe. These are the building-blocks for territorial control of
> increasingly larger portions of Europe, street by street,
> neighbourhood by neighbourhood, city by city.
This is a very dramatic description of day to day life in European
cities. I do not know enough about European life to know whether
this description is true, but I can say that I've never read a
description like this in all my readings of European newspapers.

If it is true, then it would represent a significant level of
potential conflict in the Muslim/European fault line.
Geert Wilders wrote: > Allow me to give you a brief Islam 101. The first thing you need
> to know about Islam is the importance of the book of the Quran.
> The Quran is Allah's personal word, revealed by an angel to
> Mohammed, the prophet. This is where the trouble starts. Every
> word in the Quran is Allah's word and therefore not open to
> discussion or interpretation. It is valid for every Muslim and
> for all times. Therefore, there is no such a thing as moderate
> Islam. Sure, there are a lot of moderate Muslims. But a moderate
> Islam is non-existent.

> The Quran calls for hatred, violence, submission, murder, and
> terrorism. The Quran calls for Muslims to kill non-Muslims, to
> terrorize non-Muslims and to fulfil their duty to wage war:
> violent jihad. Jihad is a duty for every Muslim, Islam is to rule
> the world - by the sword. The Quran is clearly anti-Semitic,
> describing Jews as monkeys and pigs.
This is completely untrue, written by someone who literally has no
idea what he's talking about.

Mohammed was from a generational "Artist" archetype, and so was
generally a man of peace. He fought a war, just as many people and
nations fight war, but he did so in as reasonably humane a manner as
possible in fighting a war. Furthermore, Wilders doesn't seem to
know that the Bible is also a holy book in Islam, and that Mohammed
held Jews and Christians in high esteem.

The problems arise because the Quran is not the only source of
Mohammed's teachings. There are actually three sources of
  • The Quran, the holy book of Islam. This book consists of the
    religious teachings of Mohammed, but few details about the life of
    Mohammed himself. The teachings of Mohammed were written down during
    his lifetime, and then compiled in the Quran after his death.
  • Biographies and histories, written 100 to 200 years after
    Mohammed's death. The writers lived in luxurious and sophisticated
    societies, and often weren't Arabs.
  • The "Hadeeth" or "Sunnah" or The Traditions -- the stories and
    anecdotes about Mohammed that were passed from person to person, and
    retold from generation to generation. These were compiled more than
    200 years after Mohammed's death.
Except for Mohammed's religious teachings that were written down
during his lifetime, most of these sources were not in written form
prior to Mohammed's death, so much of what we know about Mohammed's
teachings depends on the memories of the writers.

So the Quran is shared by all Muslim sects, but different sects
choose different biographies and Sunnah to believe in, and that ends
up distinguishing them. In fact, it's most like that any cleric who
wanted to start his own Muslim sect would simply choose what
teachings that he wanted, in order to make his point.

And so there are radical Muslims and moderate Muslims. To say, as
Wilders does, that there are no moderate Muslims is utter nonsense,
and an insult to the many moderate Muslims around the world.



John J. Xenakis
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Re: Austria

Post by malleni »

This is a very dramatic description of day to day life in European
cities. I do not know enough about European life to know whether
this description is true, but I can say that I've never read a
description like this in all my readings of European newspapers...."

Sorry John,
It is quite obvious that you "do not know enough about European life",...
Since you quoting this idiot and concluding the followed:

If it is true, then it would represent a significant level of
potential conflict in the Muslim/European fault line..."

Complete theme "Austria" - is quite strange.
I said already, that I think if you want to apply tool of "generational dynamics" on the World events - than you should to look non-American.

The Nazis did not take the power in the Austria before 2ww.
It was actually, in Italy first and 6 year later Germany... The Austria additional 6 years later was taken by Nazi-Germany.
The fact that Hitler WAS an Austrian - alone - does not mean that the world must now to be carefully because "Austrian again going to be Nazis".
Actually - I thing that this is typical American view on the history...
Of course - totally wrong.

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Re: Austria

Post by hannov »


Sorry John, but you did not read the what Wilders said and you are clearly completely ignorant about Islam.

1. You wrote: "To say, as Wilders does, that there are no moderate Muslims is utter nonsense,
and an insult to the many moderate Muslims around the world."

Wilders did not wrote that at all. He wrote: "Therefore, there is no such a thing as moderate Islam. Sure, there are a lot of moderate Muslims. But a moderate Islam is non-existent."

So you're claim is false and fabricated.

2. Can you specify what was untrue in his rant on Islam (the Islam 101 part you commented on)?

Do you really think that the Quran is not anti-Semitic? Do you really say that it not describing Jews as monkeys and pigs?

You should read some things about Islam from Islamic sholars like Hans Jansen (he translated the Quran) . Or from people like Hirsi Ali who know the Islam from inside out.

3. "This is a very dramatic description of day to day life in European cities. I do not know enough about European life to know whether this description is true, but I can say that I've never read a description like this in all my readings of European newspapers."

I cannot believe this that you are that ignorant. Never heard of the "Paris Intifada" of 'Londonistan" of the problems in Sweden (Malmö), Brussels, Amsterdam. Never read about the killing of filmmaker Theo van Gogh over the film Submission, threathening of dutch politician and Muslim critic Ayaan Hiris Ali? Theo van Gogh made the headlines in Europe for weeks.

This week alone the largest Dutch paper ( ) had the problems with Islamic Maroc youths on the frontcover twice. So, what European papers are you reading?

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Re: Austria

Post by axis_of_evil »

hannov wrote:John,

Sorry John, but you did not read the what Wilders said and you are clearly completely ignorant about Islam.

1. You wrote: "To say, as Wilders does, that there are no moderate Muslims is utter nonsense,
and an insult to the many moderate Muslims around the world."

Wilders did not wrote that at all. He wrote: "Therefore, there is no such a thing as moderate Islam. Sure, there are a lot of moderate Muslims. But a moderate Islam is non-existent."

So you're claim is false and fabricated.

2. Can you specify what was untrue in his rant on Islam (the Islam 101 part you commented on)?

Do you really think that the Quran is not anti-Semitic? Do you really say that it not describing Jews as monkeys and pigs?

You should read some things about Islam from Islamic sholars like Hans Jansen (he translated the Quran) . Or from people like Hirsi Ali who know the Islam from inside out.

3. "This is a very dramatic description of day to day life in European cities. I do not know enough about European life to know whether this description is true, but I can say that I've never read a description like this in all my readings of European newspapers."

I cannot believe this that you are that ignorant. Never heard of the "Paris Intifada" of 'Londonistan" of the problems in Sweden (Malmö), Brussels, Amsterdam. Never read about the killing of filmmaker Theo van Gogh over the film Submission, threathening of dutch politician and Muslim critic Ayaan Hiris Ali? Theo van Gogh made the headlines in Europe for weeks.

This week alone the largest Dutch paper ( ) had the problems with Islamic Maroc youths on the frontcover twice. So, what European papers are you reading?
So what? You could say the same about Blacks or Hispanics, it sounds the same racism to me.

Back in the Nazi days, a Jew killed a German, and that meant all Jews were evil and ought to be exterminated.

Osama Bin Laden obviously represents all Muslims just as Hitler obviously represented all Germans.

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