15-Nov-16 World View -- Bulgaria and Moldova elect pro-Russian presidents, turning away from EU

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15-Nov-16 World View -- Bulgaria and Moldova elect pro-Russian presidents, turning away from EU

Post by John »

15-Nov-16 World View -- Bulgaria and Moldova elect pro-Russian presidents, turning away from EU

Expect tensions to increase in Poland and Romania

** 15-Nov-16 World View -- Bulgaria and Moldova elect pro-Russian presidents, turning away from EU
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e161115

Bulgaria: Socialist pro-Russian Rumen Radev wins election as president
Moldova: Socialist pro-Russian Igor Dodon wins highly polarizing presidential election

Generational Dynamics, Bulgaria, Rumen Radev, Ukraine, Crimea,
Russia, Vladimir Putin, Turkey, Germany, Angela Merkel,
Poland, Romania, Moldova, Igor Dodon, Maia Sandu,
Transnistria, Trans-Dniester, Transdniester

Time is almost up

Re: 15-Nov-16 World View -- Bulgaria and Moldova elect pro-Russian presidents, turning away from EU

Post by Time is almost up »

Could these election victories in Eastern Europe be considered part of a "Trump Effect" (for lack of a better phrase)?

Is Trump's outreach to Putin the military alliance that John has been predicting or is there more to come before that happens? Everything seems to be happening so fast now. A week ago, America was on the brink of war with Russia, and now the Russian's are acting triumphant! My head is spinning.The whole world just seemed to turn on a dime before my very eyes.

Your insights are amazing, John. Beyond belief. You seem to have almost supernatural powers.

I still think the Russians are a pack of backstabbers.

Posts: 11485
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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: 15-Nov-16 World View -- Bulgaria and Moldova elect pro-Russian presidents, turning away from EU

Post by John »

Time is almost up wrote: > Could these election victories in Eastern Europe be considered
> part of a "Trump Effect" (for lack of a better phrase)?

> Is Trump's outreach to Putin the military alliance that John has
> been predicting or is there more to come before that happens?
> Everything seems to be happening so fast now. A week ago, America
> was on the brink of war with Russia, and now the Russian's are
> acting triumphant! My head is spinning.The whole world just seemed
> to turn on a dime before my very eyes.

> Your insights are amazing, John. Beyond belief. You seem to have
> almost supernatural powers.

> I still think the Russians are a pack of backstabbers.
Nothing supernatural, but as I've said in the past, even I'm amazed
how well this methodology works. My background is in mathematics,
specializing in mathematical logic, and if someone had asked me about
this 20 years ago, I would have said that what I'm doing today is
mathematically impossible. What's made it possible is MIT's System
Dynamics combined with Chaos Theory. As long as you follow the
"rules" of Chaos Theory, then the analyses and predictions of
Generational Dynamics are always right, as amazing as that is.

The whole thing about Iran and Russia being our allies is especially
mind-boggling. First it was the Obama administration cozying up to
Iran, and now it's Trump seemingly cozying up to Russia. Either way,
we're aligning more and more with Iran, Russia and India, even though
the exact scenario can't be predicted.

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Re: 15-Nov-16 World View -- Bulgaria and Moldova elect pro-Russian presidents, turning away from EU

Post by mannfm11 »

There are a couple of things you are missing John, but then again, I have been away for awhile. The cable leaks published by WikiLeaks reveals the US state department and CIA were behind the mess in Ukraine and Syria. Assad is definitely an SOB, but there is much more to that mess than just Assad. The neocons in the US, constantly looking to stir up perpetual war appear to be the main culprits. There will be no good winners in Syria, just tragedy.

The same is true of Ukraine. It was another east European, made up nation, to start. Another casualty of the US entering WWI. We threw out one group of crooks and got another. Demonizing Russia, while making another threatening move toward it, is hardly being on the right side. US foreign policy has bordered on the edge of insane, probably since the first Bush presidency.

I suspect we are watching the death of Western Europe at the present. Islam might be a peaceful religion, as long as it is Islam and nothing else. A thousand years of history has shown it to be at odds with other people and clearly to be at odds with Western style free government. I am sure the people of Bulgaria and Moldova have a longer memory than the rest of Europe or the US. Secular leaders have allowed the Islamic world to deal with the rest of the world and its internal divisions of beliefs. But, the West has destroyed these governments, like them or not and we aren't going to get the stability necessary for anything to return to normal. At least normal as far as the western world goes.

As far as the next hero generation? I don't believe it is going to be the millennials. I would hate to have to fight a major war with the weenies I have witnessed in the news, in response to this election. Again, this election was a propaganda campaign, launched from the DNC and Clinton camps. Read the attachment to this email. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/1120 . Clinton had strategy meetings with the talking heads in the press. She was fed questions before the debates. The moderators of the Clinton/Trump debates were on her team. She probably got those questions in advance too. In any case, the plan worked so well, the millennials need therapy dogs and such. Brainwashed.

As far as Trump being prepared? I don't know who is prepared. The last guy that was prepared was probably Richard Nixon. Bush 41 should have been prepared, but I doubt it. Maybe Eisenhower was prepared, but I suspect he wouldn't have had the cold war foisted upon us, if he was. I think Trump will figure it out, but the US is spent fighting wars. The US is spent inflating its currency so the rest of the world can benefit. There are roughly a half dozen large population areas doing well in the US and the rest are merely dragging along. African Americans are languishing in the inner cities. There is no control over our borders. The bill of rights is being threatened to fight a war on terror, with open borders. The mid sized towns in the US are hollowed out, devoid of industry and the farming base around them. Someone had to see the American living somewhere besides where the current financial bubble is expending prosperity, namely NYC and California, wasn't doing well, regardless of race. They want a $15 minimum wage, but 50% of the jobs in the US are $15 an hour or less. That merely rolls up the bottom to the median. We don't know what the dollar is worth, because it has been devalued to keep the bankers afloat, to keep the asset bubble inflated and to keep the top 1/10 of 1% getting richer. Trump understands that.

No one is prepared to be President. Unlike most, I view Trump's election a triumph of the people over the blood sucking, philosophical politicians we have developed over the past 100 years. I haven't seen a true statesman in my lifetime and I am nearing retirement age. The man has been through a lot. Been a creator, ahead of the herd in NYC. He has been a celebrity for the past 35 years. Celebrities, especially ones with commercial jets to fly around in, are targets for women. He says what it on his mind.

The press is doing what you said they would do, attack him. He can't go to dinner on election night without telling them. Like it is any of their business. He doesn't have a cabinet set the first week and they are throwing rocks about that. I think he is wise to take his time.

We are in a corporate state world and have been for close to 90 years, maybe since Theodore Roosevelt. The US is supposed to be a Republic and it has degraded to a modified fascist state. Some say it is necessary in the modern world, but the decline of America, as an economic power, tells me different. The 4th and 5th amendments have been fragmented. The 10th has been almost destroyed. Tell me we actually have anything resembling a 1st amendment. Let another war start and see what is left. If we don't have borders, if we don't have a reasonably homogeneous American people, regardless of race, we are no longer a nation. If we don't preserve the Republic, we will end up with a totalitarian system. The last straw will be the electoral college. Top down government has never in history worked for long. It won't in the USA, and what they have planned ahead, which I suspect will be something larger and more concentrated in power, it will be worse. The climate treaty threatens American society more than Climate change. The top dogs will still have their personal commercial jets, but I don't have much hope for the common man. As it appears now, I guess we will be left eating each other. I probably have another 20 years, so God willing, I will miss it.

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Re: 15-Nov-16 World View -- Bulgaria and Moldova elect pro-Russian presidents, turning away from EU

Post by John »

mannfm11 wrote: > There are a couple of things you are missing John, but then again,
> I have been away for awhile. The cable leaks published by
> WikiLeaks reveals the US state department and CIA were behind the
> mess in Ukraine and Syria. Assad is definitely an SOB, but there
> is much more to that mess than just Assad. The neocons in the US,
> constantly looking to stir up perpetual war appear to be the main
> culprits. There will be no good winners in Syria, just
> tragedy.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. Al-Assad is a wonderful
man, an opthamologist, a humanitarian, and a very sensitive person who
is deeply misunderstood by people like me who point to his use of
barrel bombs, Sarin gas, chlorine, ammonia, phosphorous, and other
weapons on hospitals, schools and markets with no military objective
except to kill as many innocent women and children as possible, and
therefore call him the worst genocidal monster and war criminal so far
this century. But who am I to say that? I'm just an insignificant

And of course the CIA and State Dept must have hired those tens of
thousands of jihadists from over 80 countries to travel to Syria to
form ISIS and fight al-Assad, after al-Assad in August 2011 launched a
massive military assault on a large, peaceful Palestinian refugee camp
in Latakia, filled with tens of thousands of women and children
Palestinians. Hmmm. The CIA and State Dept. must have bombed the
refugee camp themselves, and blamed it on al-Assad. Yeah, you're
right, those people in the CIA and State Dept. are really brilliant
to have pulled that off.

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