7-Jul-17 World View -- Donald Trump's speech in Warsaw Poland evokes the Clash of Civilizations

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Re: 7-Jul-17 World View -- Donald Trump's speech in Warsaw Poland evokes the Clash of Civilizations

Post by CH86 »

Guest wrote:
Long-term, North Korea is a mere thorn in the side, whereas China is rapidly approaching the point where it could take out our entire Pacific fleet with a surprise attack analogous to Pearl Harbor. They have submarines that have supersonic torpedoes, and we don't. That means that evasive maneuvers against such torpedoes are ineffective. We lose all our aircraft carriers on day one of such a hypothetical surprise attack. Without the aircraft carriers, the rest of our Navy is just a bunch of small boats floating around, that can be taken out one at a time in a mop up operation. They don't even need to attack Pearl Harbor initially - they can just surround it with subs, and pick off any ships attempting to either return to base or pull out-of-harbor to join the fight. Their motivation to take the land of Hawaii would more be motivated by the new-found ability to launch shorter-range missiles (than what would otherwise be needed) against Los Angeles.

So when some expert claims the U.S. is a hyper-power, that's correct - right up until the moment that it's not correct, since we just got taken out by newer technology. Technology that was financed and made technologically possible by the billions of trade dollars we gave China (just so you and I could buy a T-shirt at Walmart for five dollars instead of ten dollars - so enjoy that T-shirt). So, as much as it's a potential drain on our economy, I think Trump is right for pursuing a round of military modernizing and build-up, lest we get caught with our pants down (but a surplus of T-shirts).

Actually if the carriers of the pacific fleet are taken out early on in a war with china we would simply reinforce the pacific fleet with the Middle eastern, European and, CONUS stationed fleets. Only two of our carriers are actually stationed in the pacific fleet and only one of those carriers home port is actually within range of the DF-15 and DF-21.

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Re: 7-Jul-17 World View -- Donald Trump's speech in Warsaw Poland evokes the Clash of Civilizations

Post by gerald »

guest --

Have you ever heard of the "brotherhood of the Bell"?
Things may not be what we think they are.

something new? no

During the early morning of Oct. 25, 1893, a column of 700 soldiers from the British South African Police camped in a defensive position next to the Shangani River.
While they slept, the Matabele king Lobengula ordered an attack on the column, sending a force of up to 6,000 men—some armed with spears, but many with Martini-Henry rifles.
Among its weapons, the (British )column possessed several Maxim machine guns. Once a bugler sounded the alert, the Maxims spun into action—and the results were horrific.
The Maxim gunners mowed down more than 1,600 of the attacking Matabele tribesman. As for the British column, it suffered four casualties.
The British military not only measured the Maxim gun’s success by the number of Matabele killed in action. They could gauge the Maxim’s potential as a weapon of psychological warfare.
In the aftermath, several Matabele war leaders committed suicide either by hanging themselves or throwing themselves on their spears. That is how Earth-shattering a weapon the Maxim gun was. https://medium.com/war-is-boring/maxims ... 9e068f5148
After WWII the Us took Railroad cars of research material from the Nazi facilities, many researchers went to work for the US,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip
'The brotherhood of the bell',They supposedly developed an electronic "devise" using electromagnetic waves that could break the atomic bonds in molecules causing the material ( as in prisoners, people ) to "melt" -- a possible weapon? hmm

back to the future


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Re: 7-Jul-17 World View -- Donald Trump's speech in Warsaw Poland evokes the Clash of Civilizations

Post by gerald »

gerald wrote:guest --

Have you ever heard of the "brotherhood of the Bell"?
Things may not be what we think they are.

something new? no

During the early morning of Oct. 25, 1893, a column of 700 soldiers from the British South African Police camped in a defensive position next to the Shangani River.
While they slept, the Matabele king Lobengula ordered an attack on the column, sending a force of up to 6,000 men—some armed with spears, but many with Martini-Henry rifles.
Among its weapons, the (British )column possessed several Maxim machine guns. Once a bugler sounded the alert, the Maxims spun into action—and the results were horrific.
The Maxim gunners mowed down more than 1,600 of the attacking Matabele tribesman. As for the British column, it suffered four casualties.
The British military not only measured the Maxim gun’s success by the number of Matabele killed in action. They could gauge the Maxim’s potential as a weapon of psychological warfare.
In the aftermath, several Matabele war leaders committed suicide either by hanging themselves or throwing themselves on their spears. That is how Earth-shattering a weapon the Maxim gun was. https://medium.com/war-is-boring/maxims ... 9e068f5148
After WWII the Us took Railroad cars of research material from the Nazi facilities, many researchers went to work for the US,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip
'The brotherhood of the bell',They supposedly developed an electronic "devise" using electromagnetic waves that could break the atomic bonds in molecules causing the material ( as in prisoners, people ) to "melt" -- a possible weapon? hmm

back to the future

And for what it is worth from tinfoil hat land, it has been said the US uses what just does the job, and the good stuff is kept for when it is needed.
It has also been said the true technological and military capabilities are keep from the president and congress because they are untrustworthy

signs of the joker? "The Joker can be an extremely beneficial, or an extremely harmful, card. In Euchre it is often used to represent the highest trump. { not as in President Trump } In poker, it is wild. However, in the children's game named Old Maid, a solitary joker represents the Maid, a card that is to be avoided."https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joker_(playing_card)

TRIANGLE SHAPED UFO filmed by US soldiers in Afghanistan !!! March 2014

Eisenhower ( president 1953-1961) threatened to invade Area 51 former US Congress members hear testimony
http://exopolitics.org/eisenhower-threa ... testimony/

"Extraterrestrial technology was being studied at a secret facility, S-4, located near Area 51. This helps confirm the testimony of Robert Lazar who was the first to describe the secretive facility S-4 facility having several extraterrestrial vehicles in them.
An extraterrestrial, a Gray, was secretly being housed at the S-4 facility. This helps confirm the testimony of witnesses such as Bill Uhouse that aliens were assisting engineers working on black projects attempting to reverse engineer alien propulsion technologies."

and down the rabbit hole we go--


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Re: 7-Jul-17 World View -- Donald Trump's speech in Warsaw Poland evokes the Clash of Civilizations

Post by psCargile »

Supersonic torpedo is a misnomer. The supercavitation torpedo can reach speeds exceeding 200 knots (nautical miles per hour). The speed of sound in saltwater is about 2900 knots. Mach 1 is generally over 660 knots in the air—Mach number being dependent on atmospheric density). Carriers can get up to 30 knots, so 200+ knots is pretty fast underwater.

The torpedo's speed is due to the geometry of its nose cone and a rocket engine, neither which are high technology that can't be duplicated by anyone who can make torpedoes.

However, it's mostly hype. https://www.economist.com/news/science- ... igners-new


Re: 7-Jul-17 World View -- Donald Trump's speech in Warsaw Poland evokes the Clash of Civilizations

Post by Guest »

President Trump needs to start a trade war with China. Not a gradual one, a hammer blow. Overnight, a cross the board 45%-100% tariffs. America will suffer, but China would be economically nuked. China is behind North Korea. Destroy both. I know this will be difficult, but a nuclear attack on America by Koreans would be much worse.

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