22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.

Re: 22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

Post by Guest »

Beijing just outlawed the Hong Kong National (independence) party. The purge of Hong Kong Chinese continues in earnest, Soon Hong Kong will be a Potemkin Village filled with mainlanders who don't speak neither English nor Cantonese and just pretend to be natives. Hong Kong is not just a location. It's the people that make it dynamic. When the native Hong Kong population is gone, Hong Kong will be nothing.


Re: 22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

Post by Guest »

John wrote:
Guest wrote: > China has serious problems that will only get worse. Here are
> five:

> 25% of foreign companies have left China even before the tariffs.
> They are not the place to do business anymore. Pakistan and India
> are the go to countries at the moment for a number of reasons.

> China is no longer a cheap place to do business. Manufacturing
> can be done elsewhere much cheaper. You can move a manufacturing
> floor to another warehouse in another country and have it set up
> in 2 to 3 months.

> China is full of rampant corruption at every level of business.

> China is an environmental disaster. They have no water. They
> have contaminated most their groundwater with sewage and
> environmental toxins.

> Manufacturing is changing dramatically with automation, as our
> customer needs. China has a jobs problem. Just Adidas (the sports
> wear maker) pulling out of Asia cost 1 million jobs.
> https://www.economist.com/business/2017 ... to-germany

> China is deep in debt, far worse then the USA or Europe (3 times
> worse), and it's debt is fused into it's finance and industry and
> hard to control and deal with. The USA and Europe's debt is
> governmental and far more easy to control and deal with.

> I own a company that manufactures livestock equipment. I know the
> business of manufacturing and know what it takes to survive.
> China is not the future; morally, economically, or in
> anyway.
There's an interesting nexus between this and something from the CMEC
proposal that I quoted in yesterday's article on Burma. The proposal
claims that the CMEC would allow a direct flow of Chinese goods into
the southern and western regions of Myanmar and that Chinese
industries could transfer into Myanmar in order to abate the rising
labor cost and overcapacity of China’s industries. It said that
Myanmar would become a major trade hub for Chinese goods, between
China, Southeast Asia and South Asia.

The phrase "in order to abate the rising labor cost and overcapacity
of China’s industries" would be consistent with what you're saying,
and would also explain a major motivation for China's entire Belt and
Road Initiative.
For some up reason many hedge fund managers like Jim Rogers seem to idolize China. Jim Willie and many others do the same. China is a disaster. Anyone who has lived there will tell you that (unless they are trying to sell you something).

I worked for a Chinese owned hotel in the US when I was younger. The owners openly called all their employees (who were all white), white-trash. The Chinese are the worst people I have ever worked for. The Japanese are the best.

While Japan still has a future, China does not; unless you include the part where they all head back to the rice paddies.

Sorry, but Chinese don't have the individualism that made Western Civ so amazingly beautiful. While they have some an interesting philosophy and culture, they lack the genuine creativity that can only happen outside the box. Chinese social norms required the Group-first mentality. And they all look the same.


Re: 22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

Post by Guest »

US military advantage has eroded, study says
https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/US- ... 390309.php

I'm sure all of the new southern invaders will contribute greatly to America's tax base...


Re: 22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:
US military advantage has eroded, study says
https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/US- ... 390309.php

I'm sure all of the new southern invaders will contribute greatly to America's tax base...
Warren Pollock made a presentation online in 2013.(I listened to your interview with him, Mr. Xenakis. That's how I found you.) In it he said that America was finished. The country was corrupt and that they only thing to do was flee the country, or at the very least, send your children overseas to start a new life. I did that. I sent my son overseas, and he has never been back.

America is dying; the evidence is all around us. Why live in denial?


Re: 22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:
Guest wrote:
US military advantage has eroded, study says
https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/US- ... 390309.php

I'm sure all of the new southern invaders will contribute greatly to America's tax base...
Warren Pollock made a presentation online in 2013.(I listened to your interview with him, Mr. Xenakis. That's how I found you.) In it he said that America was finished. The country was corrupt and that they only thing to do was flee the country, or at the very least, send your children overseas to start a new life. I did that. I sent my son overseas, and he has never been back.

America is dying; the evidence is all around us. Why live in denial?
Where did your son go?


Re: 22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

Post by guest »

Why don't you follow him to the new country?

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