New Game - Votoids ("Fun" with Ballots)

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New Game - Votoids ("Fun" with Ballots)

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

OK,.. the name may need some work, but...

"A game of Competitive Voter Fraud and Deep State Security Design"

There are 3 sides (plus 2 Non-Player Characters):
1) The Committee to Elect Candidate A. Greellow (color is Yellowish-Green): The "Barfocrat" party
2) The Committee to Elect Candidate A. Yelleen (color is Greenish-Yellow): The "Urinublican" party
3) Department of Error Reduction Procedures and Policing (the DERPP)
4) The Media/Deep State sympathetic toward the Barfocrats (Non-Player Character)
5) The Media/Deep State sympathetic toward the Urinublicans (Non-Player Character)

The goals of the Committees are to:
1) Remove voter ID from naked ballots as soon as possible (aka making CLOTHED ballots NAKED)
2) Create marked naked ballots in large numbers
3) Lose the opponents ballots, whether naked or not
4) Substitute OUR stuffed ballot boxes for ANY OTHER ballot boxes
5) Cultivate the "Sympathetic Deep State/Media Complex" to subvert the DERPP's efforts
6) Not get caught doing items #1 to #5 in such a way that "reflects badly" on our CEC with the DERPP

The goals of DERPP are to:
1) Design ballots to reduce opportunities to "cheat"
2) Design systems to keep ballots ID'd ("clothed") as long as possible (or not!)
3) Monitor all received ballots and ballot boxes' chains of custody and "operation"
4) Incentivize whistleblowers within the CECs to tattle to the DERPP
5) Combat "Deep State" interference, which will appear at every possible opportunity
6) Maintain the ILLUSION that the voting system is "trustworthy" at ALL COSTS

A CEC being "caught" being "bad" during an election by DERPP means a fine is paid to DERPP.
A CEC being "caught" being "bad" during an election by the MEDIA means a fine is paid to DERPP, and triple that to the MEDIA.

A CEC that wins an election takes 3/4 of the opposing CEC's banked money, and 1/4 of the MEDIA's bank.

Each CEC runs a revolving credit account with the ZOROS+BitGoog+KOCKBROs Cryptobank (Zobigkoc) to replenish funds between elections.

First CEC to a bazillion bucks or World War III wins the game..!!

..actual game mechanics to be developed.

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