Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Bob »

John, you should see if you can write for zerohedge (crosspost), I think that audience is right up your alley.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

I think millennials might be remembered throughout history as the clowns who blew the best societies there will ever be into smithereens. We westerners were, until March, the most free, most rich, most comfortable, most healthy and most spoilt brats ever to roam the earth. The energy crisis hasn't really got going yet but it probably will. The population has not yet exploded into an uncontrollable morass but it undoubtedly will. These two issues, along with our huge debt and sense of entitlement will probably combine to make the future a far worse place to be than the early 21st century.

And yet such was our determination to virtue signal that we whinged about 'minority' rights and claimed that people with a 10 year old car were living in poverty. Such was our determination to be seen to be successful that we spent £40k on a degree in gender studies from what was until recently a third rate F.E. college and expected to be employable afterwards. And such was our stupidity that we let the media, cynically chasing ratings, howl about a dose of flu until we shut down the most dynamic, automated and profitable economy ever. What on earth will historians make of us?


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Bob wrote:
Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:26 pm
John, you should see if you can write for zerohedge (crosspost), I think that audience is right up your alley.
You are a filthy troll. John is nowhere near the Zero Hedge crowd. ZH: pro-Russian and anti-American.

Crawl back under your rock in the Kremlin, "Bob". No extra Gummi bears for you today.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Londonistan »

No generation in history has been as despised (quite rightly so) by the vast majority of our society than those idiots born between 1980 - 1996 - IE the notorious Millennials.

Known as the "me! me! me!", "forever offended" (usually on behalf of someone else), "extreme liberal, politically correct/WOKE" generation. They hate Britain (they don't know why, but they've been told too hate it), but love everything about immigrants and the countries they have come from. They are blind to the fact that we are a small desperately over crowded island.

They have been unable to think for themselves - like sheep, covering their bodies in tattoos and their faces in the "must have beard".. regurgitating totally ignorant rubbish about Brexit, or Trump. All you ever here coming out of there foul mouths is "F'ing this or F'ing that". Their favourite subject is virtue signalling "'isms" .. especially "racism".

They are totally unwilling to listen to anyone else's viewpoint, and literally scream opposing views down.

It's the generation the encapsulated "Social Media" and I believe that is partly why they have destroyed themselves and pretty much ruined our once tolerant society.

Millennials will be remembered for their total intolerance, and for turning a world renowned tolerant British society into a society full of hate. They have caused mass division where previously ether wasn't any.

(I can tell you for a fact that the young coming through School/University are fully aware what has happened now will never forgive Millennials for what they have done)


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by guest »

Navigator wrote:
Thu Jul 30, 2020 10:54 pm
There has been a lot of speculation over the past couple of days that the Three Rivers Gorge Dam on the Yangtze River is in danger of structural failure. ... operators/

Of course CCP officials state that it is completely safe and that there are no worries.

On a side note, should it fail, the first big city it would take out would be Wuhan. How's that for a coincidence?

In any case, should it fail, I have no doubt that the CCP would somehow blame the US for some kind of subversive attack. It would be a disaster of such a huge magnitude that the misled Chinese population would demand a war of revenge (based on the CCP blaming the US).
I don't think we are going to have months to wait for your book. Please, a few pointers today

mr nobody

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by mr nobody »

Londonistan wrote:
Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:31 am
No generation in history has been as despised (quite rightly so) by the vast majority of our society than those idiots born between 1980 - 1996 - IE the notorious Millennials.

Known as the "me! me! me!", "forever offended" (usually on behalf of someone else), "extreme liberal, politically correct/WOKE" generation. They hate Britain (they don't know why, but they've been told too hate it), but love everything about immigrants and the countries they have come from. They are blind to the fact that we are a small desperately over crowded island.

They have been unable to think for themselves - like sheep, covering their bodies in tattoos and their faces in the "must have beard".. regurgitating totally ignorant rubbish about Brexit, or Trump. All you ever here coming out of there foul mouths is "F'ing this or F'ing that". Their favourite subject is virtue signalling "'isms" .. especially "racism".

They are totally unwilling to listen to anyone else's viewpoint, and literally scream opposing views down.

It's the generation the encapsulated "Social Media" and I believe that is partly why they have destroyed themselves and pretty much ruined our once tolerant society.

Millennials will be remembered for their total intolerance, and for turning a world renowned tolerant British society into a society full of hate. They have caused mass division where previously ether wasn't any.

(I can tell you for a fact that the young coming through School/University are fully aware what has happened now will never forgive Millennials for what they have done)
That's rich! Instead of playing the blame game here how about you start with asking the right questions?
Which generation raised them or more accurately, which generation never though them anything of substance? Which generations professors indoctrinated them with hippy/neoliberal BS? Which generation have hoarded the most resources? Which generation controls policies? Which generation sold out their own countries/communities and shipped man good paying jobs abroad just for a little more buck? And so on...

Millennials aren't the cause of Britains and in broader sense Wests ailings... If anything they are victims, a lot of them can't buy cars, have no kids, have to live with their parents...

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Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:15 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

I am started to be rather concerned about John. He hasn't posted anywhere since the 27th (which is a long hiatus for him). I have also emailed him directly, but haven't heard anything back for days, which is also highly unusual.

I hope he is ok, and doesn't have the WuHu flu, or anything else serious.

John, if you are there, please let us know how it's going. Wishing you the best.

Posts: 914
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:15 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

Simple pointer - Get a water filtration system for camping. Something like the "lifestraw" or, better yet, a gravity fed system.

The ChiComs poisoning the water supply could be a major problem in the US and UK. There is little that can be done to defend these crucial targets. And the municipal water treatment plants are really only meant to take human waste out.

Posts: 914
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:15 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

I think I made it look like you needed a water filtration system just because of the potential of CCP poisoning the water supply.

A filtration system may not be able to take poison out of water.

But the point is that if your normal water supply source is poisoned or contaminated, you will need to get water from other sources. And these sources may not be of questionable cleanliness.

So you would need to be able to filter your own water under a host of circumstances.

Municipal water can be contaminated for any number of reasons. The waste water plant can break down. The city water workers can introduce the wrong chemicals or the wrong concentrations. An earthquake or landslide can contaminate the water. So can a chemical spill or large scale accident near the reservoirs. Or pipes can break. Any number of things can go wrong.

Or you may need to go somewhere where clean water is not available to you through a nice pipe and spigot.

Clean water is one of the most needed things to keep you and your family alive.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Navigator wrote:
Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:21 pm
I am started to be rather concerned about John. He hasn't posted anywhere since the 27th (which is a long hiatus for him). I have also emailed him directly, but haven't heard anything back for days, which is also highly unusual.

I hope he is ok, and doesn't have the WuHu flu, or anything else serious.

John, if you are there, please let us know how it's going. Wishing you the best.
Where are you, John?

I have no less than four copies of your books on my bookshelf. I would like a few more.

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