Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 06-Sep-2020 World View: Brian Stelter and Fox News
John J. Xenakis wrote: > So if you have any evidence of any kind of fascist violence by the
> Boogaloo Bois that comes anywhere close to the massive multi-city
> fascist violence by antifa-blm, let me know. I'll take a look at
> it.
Warren Dew wrote: > Don't hold your breath. That's just an excuse the leftists use to
> try to salve their conscience when "Antifa" engages in the same
> kinds of things the brown shirts did in the 1930s.
I specifically asked Butler to provide evidence of his accusations
about the Boobaloo Bois, but he ignored that request. He provided no
evidence but repeated the unsupported accusations. This is the way
the left always works.

I vaguely recall that Butler once referred to Brian Stelter as an
"expert" at CNN. Stelter is a political hack. I used to watch him,
but stopped during the 2016 political campaign, when Stelter started
saying on his show that Trump was so bad that journalists had a duty
not to be fair and balanced, but actually were required to lie and
make things up, anything to get Trump defeated. This is what CNN and
the others do every day.

This was starkly obvious during the impeachment hearings. I've
mentioned that I heard all the hearings, since I was sitting at home,
working on my computer with the TV on. Every day, the witnesses would
make some claim about Trump, and then the Republicans would
cross-examine the witness, and the witness had to admit he had no
evidence whatsoever, but was just doing as told by Adam Schiff. The
worst was that it came out that one of the witnesses had been forced
to lie because the Democrats threatened his family with violence
unless he did as he was told. All this came out in the hearings under
Republican cross-examination. But at the end of every day, the news
report was that the witnesses gave "explosive testimony" that proved
Trump's guilt, when in fact the opposite was true. This was a stark
example of the mainstream media purposely lying, following Brian
Stelter's dictum.

My point is that the mainstream media has gone completely over to
Brian Stelter's advice -- lie and make things up -- anything to defeat
Donald Trump. It's an actual policy of lying, with Fox News being the
only honest news channel. And the other point is that Bob Butler is
also a Brian Stelter acolyte, and can't be trusted to say anything
except lies and Adam Schiff - Nanci Pelosi talking points.
Warren Dew wrote: > Nor is it just Fox News. The police are saying the Antifa murder
> in Portland was actually a targeted killing:

> ... ealed.html

> "Michael Forest Reinoehl, a self-described anti-fascist who
> provided security for Portland racial justice protests, appears to
> have targeted a participant in a pro-Trump rally, emerging from an
> alcove of a parking garage before firing two gunshots, one that
> hit the man’s bear spray can and the other that proved fatal,
> according to a police affidavit unsealed Friday."
There's an interesting split going on. The mainstream media has been
suppressing all the violence by antifa-blm fascist thug mobs. The one
bright star of national news reporting is Fox News, which has been
showing videos of the antifa-blm violence from the beginning, and is
the only news channel where you can actually find out what's going on,
which is why it typically has better ratings than all the others put

But the split has to do with local news reporting. If the fascist
antifa-blm thugs burn down a building or kill someone, then the local
media have no choice but to report it whether they want to or not. So
a media source like Oregon Live will really have to report on that the
killing was an antifa-blm targeted killing, even if the mainstream
national media will suppress those facts, following Stelter's policy.

The news suppression situation is becoming very bad. Google
particularly has gone totally over to the dark side. For example, if
you do a search, it's almost impossible for Breitbart or any
conservative voices to be displayed in the results.

In my recent article on Microsoft, I explained how Google does this.
They use AI algorithms based on rules written by their employees, and
all their employees are far left-wingers. So the rules are hidden
from the public, and the results can only be determined by data

When Google was launched in 1998, its official slogan was "Don't be
evil." It was a corporate principle that "you can make money without
doing evil," and "Don't be evil" was part of the company's official
code of conduct until Trump became president. But in 2018, Google
mysteriously removed "Don't be evil" from its web site, and indeed the
company has become totally evil, using its monopoly power to influence
the election, to defeat the hated Tea Partiers and Trump supporters.

Twitter and Facebook have the same policies, but it's much more
difficult for them to implement. They'd like to take down all the
tweets and posts of Trump supporters, but there's no way to do without
it being noticed. Google's bias can be hidden, but Twitter and
Facebook can't hide their bias so easily.

As far as the broadcast media are concerned, they're all in lockstep,
filtering the news, according to Brian Stelter's policy. They don't
do any actual reporting, but just say whatever Adam Schiff and Nanci
Pelosi tell them to say.

This includes the BBC, which gets a great deal of money from the
Democrats for broadcasting on NPR. The BBC are far left anyway, but
even if they wanted to, they couldn't go against what Adam Schiff
tells them to say anyway.

The good news, for anyone who wants to know what's going on in the
world, is Fox News, which is wiping out the mainstream media
competition. People are increasingly sick and tired of the crap
coming out of the mouths of the Bob Butlers and Brian Stelters of the
world, and want to know what's really going on, which is why they're
watching Fox News in increasing numbers, especially the evening
lineup, with Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham focusing
on the news that the mainstream media are suppressing.

-- Boycotted. Criticized. But Fox News Leads the Pack in Prime Time. ... tings.html
(NY Times, 9-Aug-2020)

-- Fox News finishes August as most-watched primetime network,
'Hannity' has best month ever ... -primetime
(Fox News, 6-Sep-2020)

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Trevor »

Yeah, I've noticed over the last couple of years, your hatred has become exclusive for the democrats and their supporters. The media is essentially an arm of the Democratic party now, and while this sounds like a conspiracy, I could see them attempt something like China's social credit system in the United States.

10 years ago, Social Justice Warriors were dismissed as "What a bunch of pathetic snowflakes!" or "They'll moderate their views once they enter the real world." Only they are entering the real world and they're forcing things to comply to their wishes. Even progressive people in the media and our institutions are afraid to speak out. They were used for votes and against the GOP; now their stepchildren are about to eat them.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

I'm not sure what you mean by "hatred." Some of my best friends are
Democrats. What I hate is the systematic suppression of truth by the
left and the mainstream media, and the purposeful and intentional lies
and fabrications that are being used today as if they're good rather
than evil.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Two articles on China that are MUST-reads:

"Is Nazi China emerging?" ... -emerging/

"Six Wars China Is Sure to Fight In the Next 50 Years" ... -50-years/


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Gordon Chang said on a TV interview on FOX that China is planning for a war NOW.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 08-Sep-2020 World View: China's plans for war
DaKardii wrote:
Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:02 pm
> Two articles on China that are MUST-reads:

> "Is Nazi China emerging?"
> ... -emerging/

> "Six Wars China Is Sure to Fight In the Next 50 Years"
> ... -50-years/
These articles are several years old, and that's important because
they show low long China has been actively preparing for war.
Guest wrote:
Tue Sep 08, 2020 12:37 am
> Gordon Chang said on a TV interview on FOX that China is planning
> for a war NOW.
It's certainly possible. In just the last 24 hours:
  • Relations between China and Australia reached a new low with
    the expulsion of journalists.
  • Gunshots have been fired for the first time in decades in the
    Ladakh region along the border between China and India.
  • Trump has announced that the US will "decouple" its economy from
    China's, though it's not clear what that entails.
This doesn't necessarily mean war next week, but it could mean
war next year.

China is known to favor Biden over Trump in the election, and so,
either way, the election may be some sort of trigger point for the


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

China is known to favor Biden over Trump in the election, and so, either way, the election may be some sort of trigger point for the Chinese.
There is a ringing endorsement the MSM will twist into something good.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by spottybrowncow »

I just opened Google Chrome and saw that my home page, which has been "Google Advanced Search" for years, had been reset to ""

Do we even have a chance?


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

spottybrowncow wrote:
Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:17 pm
I just opened Google Chrome and saw that my home page, which has been "Google Advanced Search" for years, had been reset to ""

Do we even have a chance?
Nah.... this is just another signal that civilization is almost done. Soon you will be spending your days hunting rats to roast under a bridge over a fire fueled by plastic bags.

Posts: 11485
Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:10 pm
Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 09-Sep-2020 World View:
spottybrowncow wrote:
Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:17 pm
> I just opened Google Chrome and saw that my home page, which has
> been "Google Advanced Search" for years, had been reset to
> "" Do we even have a chance?
My guess is that you had previously been on the the web
site and clicked on some button that says, "Make this page your
default startup page." You might have gotten there from some other
web site. For example, redirects to

Another possibility is that you share your computer with a Joe Biden
fan who wants to send you a message or play a joke on you by
changing your default home page.

My Google Chrome browser still comes up with Google search as the
default home page.

At any rate, you can change your default startup page from the
"Settings" dialog.

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