Criticism of Generational Dynamics

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Bob Butler
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Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by Bob Butler »

Recently, John has not shown much intent in defending Generational Dynamics, and has started moving notes critical of his system into the Strauss & Howe thread. This is a bit ironic as Strauss and Howe have many of the same faults as Generational Dynamics. They did not note the change in pattern from the Industrial to the Information Ages. They did not emphasize that each crisis in the American sequence moved the culture further from the highly class oriented Agricultural Age pattern. In short, in getting rid of kings, slaves and dictators, the conservatives clinging to remnants of the old way of doing things lost.

This has implications with the current crisis. The culture is in the process of getting rid of a culture who is not willing to solve problems such as COVID and structural racism. The greatest problems the culture faces are focused on and solved. Thus, the criticisms could be and have been addressed on various Strauss and Howe forums.

This is not to say Generational Dynamics doesn’t have a positive function. John is a dedicated researcher, and has much interesting to say about the many places where tribal thinking is still dominant, where nukes, proxy war and insurgent war have not yet changed the pattern of thinking.

But, just to keep the difference between John and my own perception from entirely spoiling any Strauss and Howe discussions, something John and I both want, I am opening a separate thread.

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by John »

** 27-Dec-2020 World View: Allying with the KKK
Bob Butler wrote:
Sun Dec 27, 2020 12:19 pm
> Recently, John has not shown much intent in defending Generational
> Dynamics, and has started moving notes critical of his system into
> the Strauss & Howe thread.
I defend Generational Dynamics every day by posting analyses that
always turn out to be true. Thousands of Generational Dynamics
analyses are the best "defense."

Here's a quote from your posts: "Republicans are unfortunately allied
with the KKK and Neo Nazi."

This has nothing to do with "my system" or with Generational Dynamics.
It's a blatantly racist statement, which deserves to be deleted from
this forum.

You made these accusations with no evidence. Making false racist
accusations without an abundance of evidence or, in this case, no
evidence, is itself a racist act.

But I didn't delete your racists posts. Instead, I moved them to a
more appropriate thread. So I decided that would be best this time.
Racism is not tolerated in this forum. I'll be less tolerant next

I can't recall even the most rabid and hate-filled Democrats accusing
the Republicans of being allied with the KKK. The KKK is a Democratic
Party organization, so the whole idea is absurd. So you are the first.

Since you brought up the KKK, I'd like to focus on an aspect of
racism: The plight of a black male teenager today in a city of

If we go back in history, we know that the Democrats wanted slavery to
continue. When the Republicans freed the slaves and won the civil
war, the Democrats got revenge by forming the KKK and spending the
next century lynching, torturing, raping, and killing blacks.

Then, in the 1960s, Lyndon Johnson brought about civil rights
legislation to end the lynching, while at the same time satisfying the
Democrats' need to keep the blacks under control.

In the 1960s, 25% of black children were born without fathers. Today
it's 75%.

I spent 15 years, starting in the late 1980s, writing a book on gender
issues called "Fraternizing with the Enemy." I was inspired when I
was going through a divorce, and the feminist social worker said, "We
always do what's best for the children, and siding with the mother
against the father is always what's best for the children." Of
course, I later learned that, like most feminist social workers, this
one was a liar. Research showed that most child abusers are mothers,
even when you compensate for time spent with the children, and most
child sexual abusers are mothers' boyfriends. We also know that
children who grow up without fathers are much more likely to be
involved in crime.

So I wrote this book on gender issues, but later it turned out that it was
also a book on racial issues. For the book, I had hundreds of sources,
including men, women, feminists, researchers, politicians, and so forth.

So Lyndon Johnson and the Democrats found a way to keep blacks under
control, as I documented in my book. (I thought I was describing
gender issues, but now I know I was describing race issues.) Under
Democrat policy, black mothers were targeted for large welfare
payments, because that, as everyone knows, is the only way to fight
black poverty. But if you want to receive welfare payments, there are
rules. You don't get welfare payments if the father lives with you,
because he's responsible for supporting you. And you don't get
welfare payments if the father lives down the street from you, because
he's responsible for making child support payments. The only way to
get welfare payments is to get rid of the father completely, and
that's what mothers do, and that's what feminist social workers tell
them to do, because feminist social workers all know that an
unemployed father is dangerous to children.

So black mothers, and therefore all blacks, are totally controlled by
the Democrats today. If you want to receive welfare payments, then
shut up and do as you're told, especially including becoming Democratic
party activists.

So now let's return to that black male teenager I was talking about.
The one living in Chicago. He sees carnage all around him, with black
teens killing other black teens. The Democrats don't care about them.
The Mayor doesn't care about them. Black Lives Matter doesn't care
about them, because black lives only matter when the black is killed
by a white policemen. Black lives killed by other blacks are an
embarassment, and don't matter. So nobody care about them.

This black teen has no male role models, since his mother threw his
father out of the house years ago, as demanded by Democratic Party
policy and laws. He may have no idea who his father is. It's
possible that he has known no father except for a string of men in his
mother's bed. It's quite possible that his mother has frequently
slapped and beat him, and it's quite possible that his mother's
boyfriends have hit him as well -- or had sex with his sister if he
has a sister.

But this black teen wants to do better. He wants to lead a good life.
He wants to grow up, get a job, get married, have kids, and live a
decent life. But wait. It's perfectly obvious to him what will
happen. One day he'll lose his job, or something like that, and his
wife will want to get welfare. The feminist social workers will close
in. He'll be thrown out of his home and his kids' life. He knows
that, thanks to the Democrats, his life is hopeless.

By the way, these conclusions are well documented, with thousands of
references to scholarly and feminist documents, in my 2001 book,
"Fraternizing with the Enemy - A book on gender issues for men and for
women who care about men", which was based on 15 years of research: ... eEnemy.pdf

which is available for free from my "downloads" page:

One thing that Democrats really hate about Trump is the way he became
the first president to actually help blacks -- through low unemployment,
opportunity zones, and funding for black colleges.

At the 2018 State of the Union address, Trump announced the lowest
black unemployment rate in history. Everyone in the country was
cheering, but not the Congressional Black Caucus:

  • Congressional Black Caucus as everyone else was cheering
    Trump's announcement of low black unemployment rates

So when Democrats talk about "systemic racism," that's what systemic
racism is really about -- Democrat policies that destroy black
families and victimize them, and keep them under control through
extortion by telling that they must do as they're told to get welfare

These are the people who are really allied with the KKK.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by Bob Butler »

I remember a while ago when you bought into Trump’s false lawsuits, when your ‘research’ told you Trump was about to prove there was election fraud based on what was being reported on Fox. Recently, one of the voting machine manufacturers fired a legal shot across the bow, threatening Fox with alleged harm from their defaming them without evidence. Fox caved. They ran a repeated repudiation of their reporting.

Thus, I think your whole Pope John the Infallible schtick is just selective memory. You just conveniently forget about your failures.

My arrow of progress is democracy, human rights and equality. In his fraudulent vote lawsuits where he went over 50 loses to one relatively insignificant win,Trump was going after urban black votes. He was thus attacking Democracy, against equality, and if you count the right to vote, he hit the trifecta. Next it looks like they are going to be going after his lawyers. We’ll see how that goes.

Now I don’t claim all conservatives are racists. There are cut taxes, small government, and citizens be independent motives which can be taken beyond the point of reasonable return, but have a place in politics.

But this is a crisis. The federal regeneracy will occur on Jan 20th, noon. You are knowledgable enough in turning theory to know what generally happens to the old values come the crisis. If you think this is one more switch of parties in the unraveling see saw, you have forgotten all you supposedly know. The government will efficiently and effectively solve the crisis issues.

Turnings turn.

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by John »

** 28-Dec-2020 World View: Dominion Lawsuit
Bob Butler wrote:
Mon Dec 28, 2020 4:24 am
> I remember a while ago when you bought into Trump’s false
> lawsuits, when your ‘research’ told you Trump was about to prove
> there was election fraud based on what was being reported on Fox.
> Recently, one of the voting machine manufacturers fired a legal
> shot across the bow, threatening Fox with alleged harm from their
> defaming them without evidence. Fox caved. They ran a repeated
> repudiation of their reporting.

> Thus, I think your whole Pope John the Infallible schtick is just
> selective memory. You just conveniently forget about your
> failures.
It boggles my mind how full of crap you are. You are a typical
leftist, making up nonsense and repeating it over and over in the hope
that someone will believe. And many Democrats do believe it, since
most Democrats are stupid enough to believe AOC.

On November 5, I wrote: "As of this moment, it appears that the
election counting is almost over, and Biden will be president. ...
It's not expected that the legal battles will change the results."
I've repeated that in one way or another several times. If you
bothered to do a little research, then you would know that. But
leftists who are full of crap never bother research.

Fox News has been fair and balanced from the beginning. They've
frequently interviewed people like Rudy Giuliani who take the position
you claim, but they've also frequently interviewed people like
Jonathan Turley who said from the beginning that the lawsuits had no
chance of success.

Your problem is that you only listen to the sewers like CNN. So you
were ignorant of the antifa-blm fascist riots going on across the
country. You're ignorant of how Joe Biden and son Hunter are deeply
embroiled in a criminal investigation for influence peddling, money
laundering and tax evasion.

And now you're ignorant of the massive amount of evidence that
Democrats committed election fraud. Nancy Pelosi and CNN like to make
sure that Democrats remain ignorant and stupid, and they've succeeded
with you.

So let's just make it clear: CNN has been repeatedly wrong for years.
You have been repeatedly wrong for years. But Fox News has been
repeatedly right for years.

I haven't been closely following the Dominion Software lawsuit against
various Trump commentators, but it has a very interesting angle that
people like you, who only listen to sewer CNN, are completely
oblivious to.

The angle is that the Rudy Giuliani and other Trump supporters have
been purposely trying to provoke a lawsuit by Dominion Software. The
reason is that they've been frustrated that judges have been
intimidated by the Democrats, and are refusing to hear any of the
fraud lawsuits that the Trump people have brought. These judges know
that if they ever permitted an actual court hearing on the fraud, the
Democrats would incite violence against them and their families.

So the Trump people hope that if a Dominion Software lawsuit goes to
court, then they'll finally have a court trial on the fraud evidence.
I don't know if this will work, but that's the intent, and it's
something that you know nothing about because of your monumental

And I don't have "selective memory." I remember everything. You have
no memory whatsoever, because you don't know anything, so you have
nothing to remember. Like any good leftist, you just make up crap as
you go along.

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by Bob Butler »

References? I know some of the judges that have rejected lawsuits are appointed by Trump. I can’t think of a reason why if Fox were seeking a lawsuit, they would back down and repudiate their reporting as soon as a suit is hinted at. I have seen many reports of right wing use of violence if they don’t get there way, but much less from the left. Granted, part of this may be due to the merit of their cause. They do not have to intimidate the court. Fifty to one?

It sounds like more of your ideological bias. I figure every news organization has a way of looking at the world. It is a human trait. You can’t read anything without being a bit dubious about the facts and noting the opinion says more about your source’s bias than the events. I judge CNN and FOX as a bit dubious. I was hopeful when Pbower recommended the AP as a fairly neutral source, but haven’t noted a lot of difference between AP and CNN.

But Generational Dynamics takes if far beyond CNN and Fox. When you report on blue motivations you will list stuff that I don’t believe and none of my friends do. When you report on red motivations they often make attributions way out in left field. For example, most coastal media report the failed fraud lawsuits as a way of scamming the gullible ideologues out of their money. I find it much more believable than that judges are rejecting cases that have any merit.

And this bias with respect to American politics is obvious enough that I have come to question your reporting on foreign motivations. I am fine accepting the intensive research and the facts, but cannot accept whatever you report as motivations. You are so off in America that I can’t help but wonder about the rest of the world.

If you count this false understanding of the motivations of those you disagree with, you are anything but infallible. You should stop boasting falsely of how infallible you are. No one that doesn’t share your ideological bias will take you seriously.


Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by Guest »

I've been following John for years. I won't say he's infallible, but he's far more accurate than anyone else I've seen.

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by Bob Butler »

If you share the red bias, the reporting on America would seem all right to you. If in his foreign reporting he stays in areas where tribal thinking is still dominant, where nukes, insurgent wars and proxy wars have not effected local thinking, he is pretty good. If you believe major powers are going to follow along with John's War of the Week predictions, just remember that major powers have not involved themselves in crisis wars in the Information Age. It is safe to claim infallibility when making predictions with no deadlines for when they are supposed to come true.

Many times in my youth I heard stories of people sitting around sipping tea during the FDR administration, believing with Hoover that the government should not regulate the economy, that the US should not involve itself in foreign wars, and cussing at That Man in the White House. They just tried to shrug off a switch to the crisis mentality, that problems ought to be solved, especially according to turning theory in a crisis. I thought the stories somewhat exaggerated, stereotyped. Seeing how dedicated many reds are to not solving problems, to throwing away the plans for what to do in an epidemic, for making it a political point avoiding the precautions to avoid the disease, for ignoring calls by a bunch of people to strip bad cops of immunity, of clinging to traditions of how things have always been done, I believe it more.

So I sometimes envision the reds John has attracted to this site as sipping tea.

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by Cool Breeze »

Bob, you keep going on and on with your "reds" and your "problems" but I don't see this as anything but pot stirring - and hardly real issues. I keep the doomsayers in check around here but I know how I see the world, and that is, with accuracy and acceptance of what it is. Those of us who are trained in science and also know the history of man realize what humans are, and what we aren't. And we accept it.

Lefties don't, that's why they invent novelty and all manner of degeneracy, and do it over and over again as if they refuse to believe that their foolish dystopian ideas will somehow work after failing in their lifetimes multiple times and throughout history as well, if they just studied basic human nature and realities.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by Bob Butler »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Wed Dec 30, 2020 12:19 am
Bob, you keep going on and on with your "reds" and your "problems" but I don't see this as anything but pot stirring - and hardly real issues.
I just look at the recent US crises. There is always a conservative faction wanting to keep the current system intact. These are commonly those who benefit in some way from the existing system.

I was concerned that we would get through this crisis arrangement of generations without a trigger. Before COVID came along, with crisis wars among major powers becoming rare to nonexistent in the Information Age, it was starting to look like turning cycles were no longer going to enter a tigger - regeneracy - crisis sequence. Well, that is not a worry anymore. I am still wondering the nature of the trigger next time, if the awakening, non violence and legislation will become how democracies change and grow.

I and the many who went with Biden want to see something done about COVID, the economic situation that resulted, systematic racism and global warming. Many red don’t. These are real, not ‘pot stirring’, ‘all manner of degeneracy’. Rather than noting the death, failed businesses, fires, the hurricanes and bad cops killing people, many reds instead chant 'hoax' and 'fake news' and walk by the disasters like nothing was happening.

The turnings turn. It looks like the federal regeneracy will happen soon, Jan 20th noon. You can ignore the problems as much as you like, but the crisis is going to happen.

We just learned very different lessons from history. I live in Massachusetts, near the city on a hill. Before Obamacare, there was Romneycare. The hurricanes don't generally get this far north. The fires are on the other coast. My skin is white enough that the bad cops aren't shooting at me. Yet, even if these problems don't effect a retired white guy living in a heavily blue northern state, I'd still like to see them attacked.

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Re: Criticism of Generational Dynamics

Post by Cool Breeze »

It sounds like you should go check out Africa or other countries since you are so preoccupied with race and don't understand why everyone wants to be in European civilizations. Apart from voting for a man whose whole life was a farce of the public dole, to boot being bought off along with his family by the Chinese, it is very telling that you make the typical nonsensical progressive lie statements as if they are fact.

You haven't brought up one situation in which you tell the truth about, not even close. What's worse, your policies are denigrating to humans and your fellow countrymen, exponentially. It's quite sad.

If we actually obeyed the Constitution in the country (if anyone has a doubt it's clear we don't) Joe Biden would be hung for treason.

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