Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

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Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by John »

Cool Breeze's Topic

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2960
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

Guest wrote:
Fri Mar 19, 2021 8:39 pm
Two questions:

1) Is the US dollar the worst G7 currency to be in or are they all bad? Should I buy gold?

2) When is the Vietnam book going to be published? I read parts online, but I would like to have a paperback copy to support you and keep.

Thank you for the good work, John--and everyone else who contributes.
John does a great job.

BTC will crush gold and other commodities, even though they'll do ok, for the next 5 years. It'll demolish them in just the next 8 months, and they'll never even catch up. You're welcome.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

DaKardii wrote:
Sat Mar 20, 2021 3:23 pm
John wrote:
Sat Mar 20, 2021 1:09 pm
The US dollar is by far the best currency in the world, because it's
the world reserve currency and because it's backed by hundreds of
trillions of dollars of assets around the world, and because it's
immune from any significant inflation. Right now, we're in a
deflationary period, which means that the US dollar will be even more
That's only as long as the petrodollar scheme continues. If it stops, the dollar instantly loses at least 75% of its value.
You are so stuck on this and I've proven you wrong before. You have the right idea, but it has little to do with oil, it's only an offshoot - yet another thing priced in USD, the world reserve. SWIFT and other mechanisms of control are far more important. I'm not sure why you latch on to this PETRO idea so much - again and for the last time - it is only 7% roughly of the worlds GDP.

The scheme stops when people can resort to another store of value (such as BTC) due to the US destroying confidence in its currency. We are approaching that time, and it's the same idea as GD, which is the most ironic thing going, given we are all posting here.

That's why people are so deceitful and hateful towards BTC; it's the only honest game in the world. The USD is manipulated, gold is manipulated, etc.

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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by DaKardii »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Sat Mar 20, 2021 9:22 pm
You are so stuck on this and I've proven you wrong before. You have the right idea, but it has little to do with oil, it's only an offshoot - yet another thing priced in USD, the world reserve. SWIFT and other mechanisms of control are far more important. I'm not sure why you latch on to this PETRO idea so much - again and for the last time - it is only 7% roughly of the worlds GDP.

The scheme stops when people can resort to another store of value (such as BTC) due to the US destroying confidence in its currency. We are approaching that time, and it's the same idea as GD, which is the most ironic thing going, given we are all posting here.

That's why people are so deceitful and hateful towards BTC; it's the only honest game in the world. The USD is manipulated, gold is manipulated, etc.
The fact that the oil industry is only 7% of the world's GDP is irrelevant. The petrodollar scheme is still what backs the dollar. It is THE scheme that ensures that the dollar is still the world's reserve currency; this status in turn drastically reduces the inflationary effects of monetary printing by approximately 75%. That's a hard fact that's been covered up for decades.

SWIFT is also important, but for a completely different reason. It's the system that dominates the global financial transaction market. Without SWIFT, it would be much more difficult to make any kind of financial transactions which do not involve the direct exchange of hard cash. That's why in recent years the US has contemplated using it as a "financial WMD" against countries like China, Russia, and Iran. Cutting another country off from SWIFT services would inflict more damage than even an embargo.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

Navigator wrote:
Sun Mar 21, 2021 4:16 pm
In addition, the Biden Covid bail out is just an expanded version of the previous Trump ones, which are mostly pork for insiders. All of this is just exponentially expanding government debt and bringing us ever closer to the financial "day of reckoning".

Printing more money (or taxing the rich) is not going to save us financially. We do not "print money" in the USA. The Fed creates money by issuing DEBT. So we create far more additional DEBT than we do funds. This is why DEFLATION will be the hallmark of the financial implosion.

Also, and this is crucial to understand, the banks would be destroyed by hyperinflation. Biden will not allow this to happen.
This is largely true and correct, it just lacks a predictive element. DEFLATION will cause the government to print, in my view. They could just let it all burn, but my money says they don't, so we transition to significant inflation (hyperinflation has all sorts of definitions, so I don't use the word). Banks would be destroyed by both deflation and major inflation, so pick your poison.

Do you think that when all the defaults happen, and large numbers of creditors are stiffed, they're just going to wait it all out? It's an option, but like raising interest rates, I don't think so. This is the key question, apart from the "Great reset" and UBI scenarios, more fake pandemics, etc. All of it is based on fear and control, of course. Old people especially, but many young people alike, who fear death and not God, fall for this all the time. They are idol worshippers largely, longevity being just one of their many, false gods.

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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Navigator »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Sun Mar 21, 2021 5:13 pm
Navigator wrote:
Sun Mar 21, 2021 4:16 pm
In addition, the Biden Covid bail out is just an expanded version of the previous Trump ones, which are mostly pork for insiders. All of this is just exponentially expanding government debt and bringing us ever closer to the financial "day of reckoning".

Printing more money (or taxing the rich) is not going to save us financially. We do not "print money" in the USA. The Fed creates money by issuing DEBT. So we create far more additional DEBT than we do funds. This is why DEFLATION will be the hallmark of the financial implosion.

Also, and this is crucial to understand, the banks would be destroyed by hyperinflation. Biden will not allow this to happen.
This is largely true and correct, it just lacks a predictive element. DEFLATION will cause the government to print, in my view. They could just let it all burn, but my money says they don't, so we transition to significant inflation (hyperinflation has all sorts of definitions, so I don't use the word). Banks would be destroyed by both deflation and major inflation, so pick your poison.

Do you think that when all the defaults happen, and large numbers of creditors are stiffed, they're just going to wait it all out? It's an option, but like raising interest rates, I don't think so. This is the key question, apart from the "Great reset" and UBI scenarios, more fake pandemics, etc. All of it is based on fear and control, of course. Old people especially, but many young people alike, who fear death and not God, fall for this all the time. They are idol worshippers largely, longevity being just one of their many, false gods.
The banks will not want everything to "burn" either. Not even those they have lent to. But they will want everything they can squeeze out of such people.

I explained this and what this will mean to individuals and families in the book (as well as what they need to do to protect themselves). You should get a copy, as all of the proceeds currently go to John and helps him. With all the time you spend on the site, doing something for John, might be a good idea.

You can get a copy of the book by donating $25 to the GoFundMe campaign at https:// ... reparation

For anyone that donates, once your donation is posted, you will get an email back from me through GoFundMe. It will include a personalized password. You need to respond to that email, as otherwise I will not have your email address (GoFundMe keeps those private). Once I get a response, you will get a personalized copy of the book that will only open with your password.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

DaKardii wrote:
Sun Mar 21, 2021 8:03 pm
John, you are absolutely correct that Assad is a psychopathic monster who has the blood of hundreds of thousands on his hands. However, there is more too the Syrian conflict than just that.

I can describe this conflict in just three words: "The Perfect Opportunity." Because that's exactly what it is, for numerous parties.

For Assad, it's the perfect opportunity to exterminate Syria's Sunni population.
For the rebels, it's the perfect opportunity to exterminate Syria's Shia population.
For Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Iran, it's the perfect opportunity to expand their influence into the Levant.
For Hezbollah, it's the perfect opportunity to establish a presence in the Golan Heights in preparation for its next war against Israel.
For al-Qaeda and ISIS, it's the perfect opportunity to establish a new "home base" for their international terrorist activities.
For the US, it's the perfect opportunity to both strengthen the petrodollar scheme and severely curb Iranian influence in the Mediterranean.
And for Russia, it's the perfect opportunity to expand its naval presence outside the former USSR for the first time since 1991.

All of these factors have played a role in the prolonging of the war. And several of the players involved are just as unwilling to end the war as Assad because they are in a crisis era and thus see this conflict as necessary to strengthen their positions prior to the outbreak of an even bigger war that's to come. When that war does come, these players will start doing things that make Assad look like a saint by comparison.

Meanwhile, Russian trolls or no Russian trolls, it's inevitable that more and more of the American people will turn blind eye to Assad's atrocities, due to growing anti-Sunni sentiment throughout both America and the West in general. Much of this growing anti-Sunni sentiment is fueled by the rise of al-Qaeda and ISIS (which are both Sunni) and the growing amount of evidence linking their activity to Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan, and Qatar; and if Generational Dynamics is correct these sentiments will become far stronger once WWIII begins and many Sunni nations align with China against the US.
For this reason it is ridiculous to single out Assad. He just happens to be the guy in power right now and the other groups are just as barbaric, if Assad is even barbaric - I'm not convinced. Hezbollah and ISIS have done far worse things than Assad has ever done. It's a joke to put the madness of islamic killing sprees (something that's a hallmark of their history), and the strategy to deal and defend yourself against these enemies, in some similar category of Communist killing (which took over humane, sane, christian and democratic peoples). Why should countries intervene and do Israel's dirty work, over and over again? It's time to forget all of these people and let them work it out themselves. N Korea is the worst nation by far in the world for human dignity, yet we have not bothered it for decades.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

Bob Butler wrote:
Mon Mar 22, 2021 12:19 am
A variant of the above hate crime article appeared in the Butler's Perspective thread, along with my full reply. I shall only repeat here that the Atlanta shooter was white, that his motive was thus hardly jealousy of a 'model majority' status, and that both black and red xenophobia against Asians would be equally deplorable.
This man is a prototype of everything that is wrong with the country. Lies and identity are more important than anything else. A truly disgusting thinker and promoter of all lies and Alinsky's favorite rebel.

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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by DaKardii »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Mar 22, 2021 11:27 am
Why should countries intervene and do Israel's dirty work, over and over again? It's time to forget all of these people and let them work it out themselves. N Korea is the worst nation by far in the world for human dignity, yet we have not bothered it for decades.
It's not Israel's fault that the Shias and Sunnis in Syria have genocidal hatred for each other, nor is it Israel's fault that other regional powers see Syria as a country ripe for exploitation.

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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by John »

** 22-Mar-2021 World View: Al-Assad
Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Mar 22, 2021 11:27 am
> For this reason it is ridiculous to single out Assad. He just
> happens to be the guy in power right now and the other groups are
> just as barbaric, if Assad is even barbaric - I'm not
> convinced. Hezbollah and ISIS have done far worse things than
> Assad has ever done. It's a joke to put the madness of islamic
> killing sprees (something that's a hallmark of their history), and
> the strategy to deal and defend yourself against these enemies, in
> some similar category of Communist killing (which took over
> humane, sane, christian and democratic peoples). Why should
> countries intervene and do Israel's dirty work, over and over
> again? It's time to forget all of these people and let them work
> it out themselves. N Korea is the worst nation by far in the world
> for human dignity, yet we have not bothered it for
> decades.
It really sickens me to read all this crap. If you really are
a Christian, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Yes, al-Assad is far more barbaric than ISIS or Hezbollah, and that
would be clear if you even bothered to read the picture book I posted.
In fact, he's far worse that Hitler, who, incidentally, was a

Your remark about Islamic killing sprees is full of bias, hatred and
bigotry. Today, there are Christian killing sprees going on in Mexico
and other countries in Latin America. There have been Christian
killing sprees in recent decades in Ireland and Spain. Putin is a
Christian who has recently conducted killing sprees in Ukraine,
Chechnya, Georgia, Syria and Libya. The Tutsis were Christian when
they went on a killing spree killing the Hutus.

Israel's dirty work? You are unbelievably full of crap, bigotry and

Please respond: Are you or are you not a paid troll?

P.S.: I just came across these paragraphs that I wrote in a message to
you last September:

Let's take the question of genocide. In the last century, we had the
Armenian genocide (Muslims killing Christians), the Ukrainian genocide
(Christians killing Christians), the Great Leap Forward (Confucians
killing Confucians), the Nazi genocide (Christians killing Jews, then
Christians), the Cambodian genocide (Buddhists killing Buddhists),
Loatian Hmong genocide (Buddhists killing Christians), the Srebrenica
genocide (Christians killing Muslims), Zimbabwe's Operation
Gukurahundi (Christians killing Christians), the Rwanda genocide
(Christians killing Christians), the Syrian genocide (Muslims killing
Muslims), and so forth.

So every devout believer of any religion claims that his religion is
the best, but no one has ever shown me any evidence to contradict the
observation that people of every religion commit beatings, atrocities,
rapes, torture, massacres, genocide or ethnic cleansing of people of
other religions just the same as everyone else. These things are part
of the human DNA just as much as sex is -- and indeed they have to be
for the human race to have survived -- and any religion denying them
is just talking, and ignoring what is obvious.

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