Polyticks: Bob Butler's Perspective

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Cool Breeze
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Re: Terrorism and Protest

Post by Cool Breeze »

FullMoon wrote:
Sat Aug 14, 2021 1:48 pm
Cool Breeze wrote:
Sat Aug 14, 2021 9:02 am
Bob Butler wrote:
Sat Aug 14, 2021 4:16 am
As long as you are more concerned with rule of law than political issues, you will be all right. If you believe the laws should apply to one political faction but not to the other you are just being partisan.
Are you really this mentally disturbed? You believe that (ignorance and "systematic" non enforcement of) laws currently are not to the benefit of your perceived "aggrieved" groups compared to the normal citizen?
He's not mentally disturbed. He belongs to a cult. Although I'm not a "religious" person, I consider it something satanical.
The "logic" governing this group of enablers is one of the greatest tragedies of this time period. They're committed to doing "good" and "helping". White middle class suburbanites. When they realize their mistake they'll be demonized and eliminated. They're enacting the German quote " when they came for....."
In keeping with my position that this is spiritual decay and disease, yes. Notice that they don't actually believe in anything transcendental, virtuous, good etc - they will also tell you this and confirm it. And you ask them by what authority do they derive their "goodness" they of course cannot answer, since they follow chaos and confusion (the evil one). As my friend says, their mission currently seems to be telling christians that they are the better christians, ironically.

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Re: Polyticks: Bob Butler's Perspective

Post by Cool Breeze »

John wrote:
Sat Aug 14, 2021 4:25 pm
Inspectors general
John has had thousands of words on the ignorance of all sorts of laws this summer during lawless behavior that benefited the aggrieved Butler groups, which are really just stooges to Dems and leftism. All manner of AG (usually supported by Soros) look the other way and say they will not prosecute criminals - a cursory search of Chicago's AG, St. Louis's AG, etc will show you blatant publication by their offices of this. Of course, most criminals are black so Bobby Bish looks the other way, when in reality it makes him an even greater racist (as John has pointed out so many times).

I don't know, thousands of other examples we have already given: FISA spying, made up Dossiers by Dems, made up election laws by non legislative means, racist affirmative action (anti-white and asian) laws, progressive taxes (unconstitutional totally due to equal protection), just to name a handful. I give thousands of examples, Bobby Bishsmack says meaningless stuff without giving any example of breaking a law or wrongdoing such as,
Trump did not isolate himself from having his organizations profit from government decisions, in violation of law.
Just like his father, he is an accuser. The divider, notice that's what they do because divide and conquer is the game. They also covet everyone else's goods. It's a disgusting religion, FullMoon, indeed.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Terrorism and Protest

Post by Bob Butler »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Sun Aug 15, 2021 6:38 pm
In keeping with my position that this is spiritual decay and disease, yes. Notice that they don't actually believe in anything transcendental, virtuous, good etc - they will also tell you this and confirm it. And you ask them by what authority do they derive their "goodness" they of course cannot answer, since they follow chaos and confusion (the evil one). As my friend says, their mission currently seems to be telling christians that they are the better christians, ironically.
In general, I am more concerned with fighting crime than forgiving sins. Is supporting law and order a sign of spiritual decay and disease? I will support the idea that the old superstitions are slowly fading, but not the idea than I care about one such never popular superstition. But, yes, people calling themselves Christian without supporting the ideas of charity and all being one's neighbor are lousy Christians.

It feels more to me like you are unable to defend your position thus are resorting to elementary school level name calling.

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Re: Polyticks: Bob Butler's Perspective

Post by Bob Butler »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Sun Aug 15, 2021 6:45 pm
John has had thousands of words on the ignorance of all sorts of laws this summer during lawless behavior that benefited the aggrieved Butler groups, which are really just stooges to Dems and leftism. All manner of AG (usually supported by Soros) look the other way and say they will not prosecute criminals - a cursory search of Chicago's AG, St. Louis's AG, etc will show you blatant publication by their offices of this. Of course, most criminals are black so Bobby Bish looks the other way, when in reality it makes him an even greater racist (as John has pointed out so many times).

I don't know, thousands of other examples we have already given: FISA spying, made up Dossiers by Dems, made up election laws by non legislative means, racist affirmative action (anti-white and asian) laws, progressive taxes (unconstitutional totally due to equal protection), just to name a handful. I give thousands of examples, Bobby Bishsmack says meaningless stuff without giving any example of breaking a law or wrongdoing such as,
I searched on recent positions by the Chicago AG and came up with two. Reform mistaken raids on innocent parties, a problem that effects the black community most. Support the George Floyd policing act bill in federal congress. The thrust seems to be on preventing bad cops from abusing their authority.

Now I suspect there might be something there. John refuses to see that the violent protesters and the looters have different motives. The protesters oppose the bad cops murdering without due process. The looters want TVs, games and other goodies. Someone with more astuteness than John might notice the difference in motivation. Alas, his partisan worldview makes it impossible for him to make the distinction.

From my perspective, while the violent protestors are laying siege to police building, the cops will not enforce the law against looters. Thus, violent protests are not productive, though it hard to expect centuries of inequality to be disregarded. I suppose the violent protests worked. If bad cops abuse authority these days, the media would jump on it. I have noted little of that recently. The BLM protestors believe the Democrats are striving to limit the bad cops over Republican opposition. They are waiting for Republican obstructionism to make the filibuster go away. The concern about racist group insurrection is much higher now that during the BLM protest height last summer.

I acknowledge that some of the other issues mentioned are controversial. Are rights granted by God and apply to all men, or is FISA part of US law and covers foreigners unequally? Did Democrats lie on there dossiers more than Republicans? Are the supposedly anti white and asian laws attempts to correct centuries of oppression and inequality? These are contentious enough political issues. I could address any one of them if you would provide the appropriate links. Vague accusations seem hard to answer.

Anyway, if you really believe the policy of not enforcing the law against looters is supported by the Chicago AG, or that he otherwise believes in selective enforcement of laws, could you link to a source?

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Re: Polyticks: Bob Butler's Perspective

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Does the "black community" commit the most crimes, violent crimes, and murders, especially per capita?

Basic question, Mr. "enforcement of law".

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The Ghetto Mindset Again

Post by Bob Butler »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:41 am

Does the "black community" commit the most crimes, violent crimes, and murders, especially per capita?

Basic question, Mr. "enforcement of law".
I have often referenced the Ghetto Mindset, the belief that you can't get ahead without becoming a sports star, a drug pusher, or a welfare mom. This is real enough, though not all minorities are into it. As John referenced, the Tulsa community at the turn of the century had a work ethic. The engineers and former military minorities I worked with also had other ethics, though the culture you pick up at university is generally different that that found in the military.

The problem is that the Ghetto Mindset belief that they will be oppressed is not going to go away as long as there are people oppressing them. Minorities have been oppressed for centuries. Oppressing minorities and the minority perception that they are being oppressed will at best go out together.

Still into juvenile name calling? That implies you cannot defend your position with fact and logic?

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Re: Polyticks: Bob Butler's Perspective

Post by Cool Breeze »

I've done nothing but bring up facts (FBI stats) and logic. And history, and current examples. You are he who cannot counter them.

Another nameless "ghetto mindset" excuse which is actually an admission. So thanks for that, you can't fool anyone. And then you go back to the whole "this group has been oppressed forever" as if you are looking objectively at anything. You just conclude that and without good reason.

Other groups are more advanced. The experiments have been done. Case closed.

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Re: Polyticks: Bob Butler's Perspective

Post by Bob Butler »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Aug 16, 2021 7:10 pm
I've done nothing but bring up facts (FBI stats) and logic. And history, and current examples. You are he who cannot counter them.

Another nameless "ghetto mindset" excuse which is actually an admission. So thanks for that, you can't fool anyone. And then you go back to the whole "this group has been oppressed forever" as if you are looking objectively at anything. You just conclude that and without good reason.

Other groups are more advanced. The experiments have been done. Case closed.
On this page, the closest you came to quoting the real world was a suggestion that I use google on the Chicago AG. I did. It turns out that you lied. His positions were entirely different than you suggested. This is a site of liars, partisanship and prejudice. Basically, tribal thinking gets you into prejudice, oppression, and violence. These are undesirable behaviors which you systematically lie about to justify.

Blacks have indeed been oppressed for centuries. The slave ships really did sail. The KKK did terrorize. The lynchings did take place. The bad cops murdered. You can try to edit this pertinent history to justify tribal thinking, but do not expect to impress anyone with your selective reading of history.

The experiments are not over. Roughly every four score and seven years obsolete conservative thinking is pruned. Kings, slavery and dictators have been eliminated from the culture. America becomes more itself. Tribal thinking is not new, advanced or persisting. Open your eyes to what is really happening.

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Re: Polyticks: Bob Butler's Perspective

Post by Cool Breeze »

I'll just leave it at this, Europeans dominated the entire world, created all the innovation in the world, created the scientific method and all medical advances, even a nuclear bomb.

I don't have to put a value on that, let's say that I am not even calling it "good" - just that it is.

Others haven't, and are not capable, of doing such things. You have to appeal to things like "unfair" and fantasyland ideas - to try to explain it all away and act like those aren't realities. They are obvious realities to even a retard who tries to be truthful.

History is what it is and we know the results.

You are either a cult member, or a retard, or both because you can't counter any actual fact that I stated before or just now. And you won't, because you aren't honest and you can't, in any case.

It is proven yet again you have no truth in you.

Even if I were the meanest, "bigot" "tribal" "-phobe" whatever the dumb name calling of the day (and I am not any of those), it still would not change the fact that Europeans in many ways are more advanced than other human groups. You won't respond to this, because you can't.

Goodbye. Your leftist leader is waiting for you in the Gulag - even then you won't admit you are a diseased imbecile - you'll act surprised why as a friend of the lies, you weren't spared.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Polyticks: Bob Butler's Perspective

Post by Bob Butler »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Tue Aug 17, 2021 8:15 am
I'll just leave it at this, Europeans dominated the entire world, created all the innovation in the world, created the scientific method and all medical advances, even a nuclear bomb.

I don't have to put a value on that, let's say that I am not even calling it "good" - just that it is.
Actually, Jarad Diamond wrote a book Guns, Germs, and Steel, on why Europe came to dominate.

https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN ... pressio-20

Guns: While China first developed gunpowder, most of their civilization was united in two great river valleys while Europe was divided by water and mountain ranges into many smaller competing cultures. It was Europe that developed guns into a modern weapons system. This was not due to any superiority of the individuals, but the fact that the geography of the land fostered competition.

Germs: Due to an accident of the time, the Smallpox caused major epidemics which made it possible for European settlers to colonize large parts of the Americas and elsewhere. Again, no real superiority of European cultures, but rather they had developed immunity to certain diseases and not the reverse.

Steel: Diamond might well have added the early intercontinental sailing ships then being developed, but the competitive nature of Europe did result in superior technology. If Italy would not finance exploration, go to Spain. If the Catholic south favored human labor over machines and technology, try the north. China with the single united government could not compete, or rather didn’t try to compete. Rather, they decided to recall their trading fleet and failed to defeat Mongolia while they still could. If there was a cultural superiority in Europe it was in the forced need to compete with their many neighbors.

This is basic to my undemanding of world cultures. If I have not pushed it here it is because I have no need. But Europe came to dominate in the Industrial Age due to their competitiveness and disease immunities, not because their culture or genetics was superior. Those factors are now vanishing, mattering less in the Information Age.

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