Nuclear War

Read Navigator's book, How To Prepare For The Coming Storms,
for valuable detailed information on what what's coming.
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Re: Nuclear War

Post by FullMoon »

Guest wrote:
Wed Apr 19, 2023 11:57 am
>Edward Snowden reveals that the government has the capacity to spy on it's citizens.

>Refuses to elaborate further.

>Escapes to a country where the government spying on it's citizens is common practice and people are jailed for criticizing the state.

>Never says a bad word about said Russian state.

>continues to criticize the US government.

I think Full Moon and Tim are Russian trolls. Sowing panic behind the lines. Too bad their attempts have failed. No extra vodka and mash for them tonight.

Slava Ukraini!
Ok, that's what I thought. Ukrainian.
There's no panic here in America. It's eerily quiet. Central Asia is far away but the Pacific is our backyard.
We must support Ukrainians, for sure. But Americans must also be aware of their own conditions. And for us, the Pacific is known to be just as or more important for our national security.
Good luck in your fight.

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Re: Nuclear War

Post by FullMoon »

Guest wrote:
Wed Apr 19, 2023 11:38 am
FullMoon wrote:
Tue Apr 18, 2023 12:21 pm
This thread is getting hijacked by foolish troll with no intention of doing anything besides ridiculing and name calling.
Absolute rubbish. Trashy trash BS. Nobody has said anything about Russia. Nothing whatsoever.
American patriots care about protecting their family and homeland. That's The primary consideration.
Traitors are those who collaborate with the plans of the enemy and condone them. If you can't consider the ramifications of your actions, you might be an enemy collaborator.
Probably just a state sponsored troll you are. Trying to condemn American patriots by calling them traitors IS clearly the mark of a Russian/Chinese psyop campaign. FU trash 🖕
Ahem. The kettle calls the pot black.

This is absolutely the most hypocritical and vulgar post I have ever read online. "Another Guest" is not a Russian/Chinese troll. Go through his (or her) posts and show me some Russian or Chinese propaganda. I see posters like like Tim and Cool Breeze fear mongering about the vaccine as a bio weapon by the Chinese or secret groups led by Jews. This is corny stuff.

Quickly, let me add that I have been jabbed three times and suffered no side effects. I don't know anyone who died form Covid nor anyone who died from the vaccine. None of my friends or co-workers have died in the last three years. Amazing? Not really. If this is a bio-weapon, it should be recalled and the CCP should demand a refund.

FM, Putin and the Russians were not tricked into invading Ukraine. The intelligence regarding this has been posted online by intelligence agencies. Was Bucha also a "psyop campaign"? No, invading Ukraine made no sense at all, unless you are a Russian nationalist with dreams of empire. Full Moon, tell us how "Russia was tricked into attacking Ukraine?" I can't wait to hear this one.

Your last post was strangely visceral. WHY? Why do you go so far out of the way to defend Russia's illegal and criminal invasion of Ukraine? Are you Russian or Chinese?
I don't defend the Russian invasion.
Never said anything of the like.
But it IS possible that Putin was led to believe it was possible to succeed. I speculated that his visit with Xi during the 22'Olympics somehow gave him that impression. After his failure, CCP backed off.
Be aware, CCP is THE threat to American security. It's well known they're vassalizing and using Putin for their own interests. And their doing a good enough job that MANY are concerned. American's must start playing a better game or we're going to get played. It makes me mad to see how badly we're doing and how grave the threat is to my family. The most vulgar post ever? Haha. Who's the hypocrite.

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Re: Nuclear War

Post by Cassandra »

FullMoon wrote:
Wed Apr 19, 2023 2:16 pm
Guest wrote:
Wed Apr 19, 2023 11:38 am
FullMoon wrote:
Tue Apr 18, 2023 12:21 pm
This thread is getting hijacked by foolish troll with no intention of doing anything besides ridiculing and name calling.
Absolute rubbish. Trashy trash BS. Nobody has said anything about Russia. Nothing whatsoever.
American patriots care about protecting their family and homeland. That's The primary consideration.
Traitors are those who collaborate with the plans of the enemy and condone them. If you can't consider the ramifications of your actions, you might be an enemy collaborator.
Probably just a state sponsored troll you are. Trying to condemn American patriots by calling them traitors IS clearly the mark of a Russian/Chinese psyop campaign. FU trash 🖕
Ahem. The kettle calls the pot black.

This is absolutely the most hypocritical and vulgar post I have ever read online. "Another Guest" is not a Russian/Chinese troll. Go through his (or her) posts and show me some Russian or Chinese propaganda. I see posters like like Tim and Cool Breeze fear mongering about the vaccine as a bio weapon by the Chinese or secret groups led by Jews. This is corny stuff.

Quickly, let me add that I have been jabbed three times and suffered no side effects. I don't know anyone who died form Covid nor anyone who died from the vaccine. None of my friends or co-workers have died in the last three years. Amazing? Not really. If this is a bio-weapon, it should be recalled and the CCP should demand a refund.

FM, Putin and the Russians were not tricked into invading Ukraine. The intelligence regarding this has been posted online by intelligence agencies. Was Bucha also a "psyop campaign"? No, invading Ukraine made no sense at all, unless you are a Russian nationalist with dreams of empire. Full Moon, tell us how "Russia was tricked into attacking Ukraine?" I can't wait to hear this one.

Your last post was strangely visceral. WHY? Why do you go so far out of the way to defend Russia's illegal and criminal invasion of Ukraine? Are you Russian or Chinese?
I don't defend the Russian invasion.
Never said anything of the like.
But it IS possible that Putin was led to believe it was possible to succeed. I speculated that his visit with Xi during the 22'Olympics somehow gave him that impression. After his failure, CCP backed off.
Be aware, CCP is THE threat to American security. It's well known they're vassalizing and using Putin for their own interests. And their doing a good enough job that MANY are concerned. American's must start playing a better game or we're going to get played. It makes me mad to see how badly we're doing and how grave the threat is to my family. The most vulgar post ever? Haha. Who's the hypocrite.
You are.


Re: Nuclear War

Post by Ggggg »

FullMoon wrote:
I don't defend the Russian invasion.
Never said anything of the like.
But it IS possible that Putin was led to believe it was possible to succeed. I speculated that his visit with Xi during the 22'Olympics somehow gave him that impression.
But still, Putin and the Russians CHOSE to invade Ukraine. The Chinese did not force Putin to do it. Putin chose to do it. He wanted to. Russia was not the CCP's string puppet.

Russia is guilty of crimes against humanity. And you, Full Moon, are a Kremlin troll.

Now Russia is China's mangy dog on a leash.


Re: Nuclear War

Post by Guest »

I have to wonder about the mobilization in Russia. I still see lone Russian tanks driving around without any infantry support or even other armored vehicles. The tanks are sitting ducks.

How is Russia winning this war?

Navigator, what do you think about all.of this?

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Re: Nuclear War

Post by tim » ... per-nukes/
For all those misguided conservatives who think Putin is “benign” and Ukraine is evil, let me read a line from Russian SVR defector Sergei Tretyakov’s testimony, given in 2007: “I want to warn Americans. As a people, you are very naïve about Russia and its intentions. You believe because the Soviet Union no longer exists, Russia is now your friend. It isn’t, and I can show you how the SVR [KGB] is trying to destroy the U.S. even today and even more than the KGB did during the Cold War.”
Because nobody heeded Golitsyn’s warnings, America and Europe allowed their nuclear arsenals to fall into disrepair. No new warheads have been produced in decades. There is no effective testing regime. The old experts have retired. Critical technical knowledge has been lost. The weapons we rely on for national survival are past their shelf-life. So the question of the hour is whether the West’s nuclear weapons work. Russia and China are watching carefully. In the coming months they will be testing us; and once they are confident that we have no effective nuclear deterrent, they will present their ultimatum. Or they will simply attack – as Russia has done to Ukraine – and wipe us out.

When a country gives up its nuclear arsenal, whether by neglect or treaty, consider what happens. Maria Drutska pointed out a few days ago, “Ukraine gave up 3,000 nuclear warheads because we were promised we would be protected. Now our soldiers are castrated, beheaded and burned alive. Their screams will haunt us for eternity. We watch our children kidnapped, we watch our houses bombed.”[ii]

Why was Ukraine invaded? Because Moscow was emboldened by having more nuclear weapons, and more modern nuclear weapons, than the United States. The Russian state wanted Ukraine reintegrated into a new Union. And why did they decide on this now? Because the West was weaker, vis-à-vis China and Russia, than it has ever been. Furthermore, Ukraine is an important food-producing country, and China needs that food production. Given the long-range communist strategy, there was no time to waste. In fact, there is testimony out of the Russian FSB that the Kremlin has been contemplating nuclear strikes against the West. They even tried to keep this from their own planners.
According to Soviet strategists, the key natural resources are oil and grain (or anything that amounts to the same thing, like natural gas and fertilizer). If the East can cut the West from its energy supplies, the West will suffer a severe economic contraction, vindicating communist theory. If a food crisis develops and people in the West face starvation, communist theory will again be vindicated. Battlefield defeats in Ukraine are insignificant if the West suffers a severe and prolonged loss of grain or oil (or natural gas). In light of this, consider how the oil-rich Saudi kingdom has been pulled into the orbit of China and Russia. Last month, the Saudis joined Russia and China’s Shanghai Cooperation Organization.[vii] It is perfectly clear that oil will be used, in the coming months, as a weapon against America’s allies in Europe and Asia. Combine this with attacks against the West’s energy sector by way of anthropogenic global warming theory and you have a communist recipe for victory.

Consider all the little victories communism has won along the way: The Keystone XL pipeline project was scrapped after President Biden blocked the necessary federal permits. American oil refineries are now sitting idle. In Europe, imports of Russian natural gas have been reduced by two-thirds. At the same time, OPEC has agreed to cut oil production as much as 3.66 million barrels per day.[viii] Economies staggered by the pandemic are continuing to struggle. Worse yet, the pandemic has seriously damaged the West’s banking system as commercial real estate holdings have fallen in value. Perhaps, indeed, an economic crisis will bring Europe to its knees and politically destabilize the famously stable United States. Here, the fifth column activities of Russian and Chinese operatives have made a significant contribution.

According to Gen. Jan Sejna, who served as Chief of Staff to the Czech Defense Ministry in the 1960s, “the main target of the Strategic Plan is the United States….” Although this Strategic Plan was developed in 1957-58 by a special committee under Leonid Brezhnev, Moscow’s Warsaw Pact allies were only brought into the plan during an October 1966 meeting held in Moscow. According to Gen. Sejna, the plan called for “the withdrawal of the U.S.A. from Europe and Asia; the removal of Latin America from the United States’ sphere of influence and its incorporation into the Socialist bloc; and the destruction of the United States influence in the developing world; the reduction of American military power to a state of strategic inferiority; the advent to power in Washington of a transitional liberal and progressive government; and the collapse of the American economy.” When Moscow’s Central Committee Secretary, Konstantin Katushev, visited Prague to give the Czechs a strategic update in September 1967, he encountered skepticism from the Czech communists. Katushev explained that America was a volatile society. He said, “It can move to either extreme … as we’ve seen in the McCarthy period and the Vietnam War. If we can impose on the U.S.A. the external restraints proposed in our Plan, and seriously disrupt the American economy, the working and lower middle classes will suffer the consequences and they will turn on the society that has failed them. They will be ready for revolution.”
As for the idea of invading North America, nearly all our “experts” have scoffed. Chinese troops will never reach North America, they say. Nobody would be crazy enough to launch a thermonuclear war. But Gen. Richardson is telling us, in so many words, that Russia and China are already here. They are invading our hemisphere. In February 1999, when confronted with a room full of skeptical American experts, Lunev said, “During my years with the Soviet and Russian Army we trained for one mission, and one mission only: Future nuclear world war against America.”[xviii]

Anticipating this exact end-game scenario, KGB defector Golitsyn wrote a memo to the CIA in 1973. After the U.S. defense establishment has been sufficiently weakened, noted Golitsyn, Russia and China might launch an all-out attack:

… The Soviet and Chinese rocket strike units and strategic bombers will make a surprise raid on Pearl Harbor lines on the main government and military headquarters of the leading Western countries and on their missile sites. The main idea will be to knock out the primary Western sources of retaliation and to paralyze, at least for a short period, their physical ability to take a decision on retaliation.[xix]

According to Golitsyn, the Soviets would use their hotline to Washington D.C. to sow confusion and doubt on the American side. “Such an attack will probably be accompanied by an intensification in the activity of the Communist countries’ intelligence agents designed to increase panic and to operate blackouts and paralyze normal life in the capitals of the Western countries.” This is speculative, admitted Golitsyn, yet nuclear war “has been the subject of study by the KGB, and should in any case be prepared for.”
According to the late Peter Vincent Pry, there are questions about the status of NATO’s nuclear weapons. Do these weapons work? The Kremlin would like to know. The last U.S. nuclear test was Operation Julin, conducted on 23 September 1992. The last nuclear test conducted by the United Kingdom was on 26 November 1991.[xxii] The last French nuclear test was conducted on 27 January 1996.[xxiii] Although Russia supposedly has not tested a nuclear weapon since 1991, there have been a series of atypical “earthquakes” in Russia, which some experts believe were underground nuclear tests. As reported by the Arms Control Association in 1997, “A small earthquake beneath the Arctic Ocean off the coast of Novaya Zemlya has led to reports that Russia conducted a clandestine nuclear explosion at its former test site on the island.”[xxiv] Since Russian specialists are known to be working at the North Korean nuclear test site, Russian nuclear weapons may have been tested in North Korea, without anyone being the wiser. In fact, an official of the International Atomic Energy Agency privately told me that, in his opinion, North Korea has never “made” a nuclear weapon of its own; rather, Russia has given North Korea nuclear weapons. The weapon tests in North Korea, therefore, might be Russian nuclear tests. Meanwhile, the Chinese have been expanding their nuclear test site with new tunnels.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Nuclear War

Post by tim »

Ask yourself, honestly: How many of our Democratic politicians are Marxists? Communism is a crazy belief system that has killed tens of millions of innocent people during the last hundred years. Yet communist thinking underlies America’s public school curriculum. Communist thinking underlies the woke dogmas fashionable at our universities. Communist thinking underlies the policies of leaders who have resisted replacing old and unreliable nuclear warheads with new ones. The pattern has been, and remains, one of unilateral and spontaneous disarmament by neglect. And it has been enabled by massive infiltration and subversion of our political system – at all levels – by communists. Nothing here has happened by accident. The communists have worked hard and diligently for decades. But nobody is supposed to acknowledge this reality. We are all playing a game called “let’s pretend.”

Golitsyn warned that Moscow’s deception strategy would create conditions for the political isolation of anticommunists and conservatives. He said they “would be isolated and driven toward extremism. They might become the victims of a new McCarthyism of the left.”
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

Another guest

Re: Nuclear War

Post by Another guest »

Good posts, Tim. The possibility that the NK nuclear tests were really Russian ones is interesting and probably correct.

The pro-Putin crowd in the West has always astonished me.

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Re: Nuclear War

Post by tim »

The Democratic Party seems to be a part of the CCP. The more extreme far left ideas coming from the Democrats are probably being pushed by China to weaken the U.S. before WWIII. ... ed-states/
The conclusion is inescapable: America is under attack by foreign ideologies based in Russia and China and anti-American cultural tendencies encouraged by the national Democratic Party.

To obscure these facts, the media focus on guns, not mental problems, educational malpractice, and parental irresponsibility. ... s-schumer/
Video Allegedly Shows Illegal Chinese Police Station Chief Mingling with Eric Adams, Schumer
A report published on Monday claimed that New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) appeared hobnobbing at a political event in a video alongside “Harry” Lu Jianwang, arrested last week on federal charges for allegedly running an illegal Chinese police station in New York City.

The video — according to Fox News, which published the story — was recorded on March 18 and allegedly shows Lu chatting with Adams and Schumer at a fundraiser for a nonprofit group called the Fukien American Association. Fox News claimed it was not the first time Lu was seen cultivating ties with New York City’s Democrat Party elites:

In April 2022, Lu also met New York Democratic Rep. Grace Meng at a fundraising event, according to The Daily Caller, citing images the outlet found.

Records show that since 2006, Lu has contributed at least $32,625 to New York elected officials, including Adams and New York Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul.
Lu’s arrest was among the first worldwide in a growing scandal over China operating covert “police stations” on foreign soil. These stations allegedly served to gather information on Chinese dissidents living abroad, sometimes coordinating intimidation actions against them. Experts believe China established these stations around the world, including Canada, Japan, Brazil, and Spain in addition to the United States.

The regime in Beijing unconvincingly claimed the secret police stations were merely consular outreach services that helped Chinese nationals living abroad with tasks such as obtaining foreign driver’s licenses, confirming their existence.
Lu and Chen were accused of coordinating massive networks of fake social media accounts to spread Chinese Communist Party propaganda and harass dissidents. Lu was charged with using “threats of violence” to coerce a Chinese national to return to China and helping to target a “pro-democracy activist” living in California for harassment.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Nuclear War

Post by tim » ... now-almost
From Welt (emphasis mine):

Although it has long been known that the Bundeswehr faces an ammunition shortfall to the tune of 20 billion Euros, confidential documents from the Federal Ministry of Defence available to Welt am Sonntag show that procurement has all but stalled. The Ministry has so far submitted hardly any major ammunition procurement proposals to the Bundestag budget committee for approval this year.

The low munitions stocks are held to be one of the greatest weaknesses of the Bundeswehr. Experts estimate that current stocks would only last for one or two days in the event of a conflict. In order to cover Bundeswehr requirements which are calculated at 20 billion Euros worth of munitions by 2031, 2.5 billion Euros would have to be purchased every year until then. …
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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