Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

Bob Butler wrote:
Mon Dec 18, 2023 7:25 am
I was an engineer fighting communism working contracts for the military and intelligence agencies. I used my brain rather than carried a rifle. So, yes, I think myself smarter than most. I don’t see this as improper or part of some grand conspiracy. I just pushed my schoolwork a little harder than most and was able to do a job most couldn’t.

Our jails are filled with oppressed minorities rather than white collar criminals. (Trump.) If there is a double standard it is that the white collar crimes are not pressed enough. Yes, the guys at the top of organized crime organizations take more than their share. One might argue that the guys at the top of any organization decide who gets what share, and take too much.

The troublesome immigrants of late come from cultures oppressed generations ago. If we didn’t import black slaves, if we didn’t try to profit from Middle East oil, if we didn’t have a drug problem that corrupted Central America, we would not have built up relations with various troublesome minority groups. Unfortunately, we did. Pretending we didn’t won’t solve the resulting problems. Yes, the motivation was economic. That doesn’t make the social and criminal problems less.
Bob, I'm an Electrical Engineer with a graduate degree. I am also a published historian (WW1 is my area of expertise) and I even speak multiple languages. And there are people that we are conversing with on this board that are even more educated and experienced than the two of us.

A truly smart person looks at every potential angle and draws conclusions based on ALL evidence. Unfortunately, the liberal mind set is to only look at the problems of the other side (Trump for example) while ignoring the glaring problems on their own side (Biden / Pelosi for contrasting examples).

I have always said that Trump is a nefarious business person, someone of low standards who will cheat others at any opportunity (ask someone who invested in Trump stock or worked as a subcontractor for him). But I have also said that Biden is running a family influence pedaling racket, as is well pointed out in the book "Laptop from Hell", (which you should read by the way; its not a hit piece, just good old fashioned investigative journalism, of which we have so little nowadays). You are hell on Trump, but you give Biden a complete pass. Same probably for Pelosi, who is engaged in rampant insider trading of stock. Another great example is the aprox $1B that DeBlasio's wife had control over in NYC (the "mental health initiative" funds) that she handed out to her personal cronies. No accountability, no outcry. After all, she's "oppressed".

Any kind of crime is wrong and out to be punished accordingly. I actually agree that white collar crime is not punished severely enough. I would be ok with a minimum of 1yr incarceration for every $50k or so of graft/embezzlement/etc.

But the crime we are seeing now in the big cities, the looting of stores, the dramatic increase in violence, is not being perpetrated by the "oppressed" (and even if it were, they should still be held to the standard of the law). The riots of 1968 are far different from today. Back then you could make a logical argument that the rioters were oppressed. Not so today. Every advantage we can think of has been afforded minorities for decades. And, as has been pointed out here, if it were some type of systemic minority oppression, none of the minorities would have progressed. Yet many have.

The people going from the Middle East and Africa to Europe are doing so not because of colonialism or oppression. They are doing so to get away from the conditions created by their own cultures, while gladly accepting the handouts from the asylum granters that they then hate and commit crimes against. Same for the Central and South Americans coming into the USA. It is not just the drug cartels that their corrupt societies tolerate (even encourage), its the handouts that we give them, plus the actual tolerance for criminality on their behalf.

So Bob, use your above average intellect and look at BOTH sides. You will find error on both, but the ideas of liberalism/socialism will lead to far greater problems than those of the ideas of "equality before the law" and of self-sufficiency that are the core principles of conservatism.

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

Good daily update of world situation is the YouTube channel Canadian Prepper.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Navi, that man is lost. Forget about him. We tried for years to even marginally change his take. As I said, you know who is father is just as I do.

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Re: The Conservative Wilderness

Post by Cool Breeze »

Ggg wrote:
Mon Dec 18, 2023 12:58 am
Bob Butler wrote:
Sun Dec 17, 2023 8:37 pm
guest wrote:
Sun Dec 17, 2023 8:05 pm
It's always an extreme with you people. And the way you define love means death, destruction, and misery. You clueless liberals offer the love of Joseph Stalin.
I'm not the one advocating a return to the policies of Genghis Kahn, conquest and massacre.
What I hate most about dealing with Psychopaths like BB is how they ASSUME they are smarter than everyone else. Usually because we don't call them on their BS. They think they aren't caught.

These people thrived in the 80s where their lack of guilt, and a high trust environment allowed them to take advantage of normies who didn't want to be "rude" by calling them on their BS.

Their weakness is autists who don't react to social pressure. An autist will straight up tell them their request or proposal is stupid. When asked, "Don't you trust me?" They will flatly say, "No." .

They think they have found the loopholes of society. Ways to get ahead with less work. Taking advantage of trusting morons. Shaming others publicly who do not comply. They thrive on "reasonable doubt" and the idea YOU need proof of their wrongdoing. That's why they think they are smarter than you, but they usually are quite dumb in my experience.

Want to win? Just call them out directly, maybe even publicly. This is not about politics as much as relationships. They WILL call you "rude" and attempt to publicly shame you. Don't flinch at the point. These people fear being "Found Out." They already know they are lying. You don't need to prove it to them. It's more proving it to onlookers. A mocking tone is great here. Psychopaths tend to cower when being mocked. It destroys their perceived advantage, the trust and respect of onlookers.

Then cut contact. Block and walk away. That way THEY look creepy for trying to follow up. There is no use keeping people like that in your life. They are dangerous. Even if they are parents or siblings, let alone exes.
You nailed it. Ultimately, since they are informed by the global communist movement that the elites have created and desire (yes, it's all around, don't think it is not swelling, just because guys like Stalin and Mao are technically gone), they only respond to power since they have no truth in themselves, as I said above. The sad reality is that therefore they can't be reasoned with and when their lies break the civilization entirely, and yes it is gone, the only result is something like Pinochet and Helicopters. Notice how no one would even blink if they had this outcome, since these people are so disgusting. It's really sad that they value lies and try to take advantage of people socially and otherwise, as Ggg says, because that chaos causes all sorts of crazy collateral damage that the demons who are cheering the Bishes of the world on, rejoice in.

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Bob Butler
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Post by Bob Butler »

Navigator wrote:
Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:12 pm
A truly smart person looks at every potential angle and draws conclusions based on ALL evidence...
I’d like to be more explicit on Pelosi and Biden. The Republicans have opened an impeachment inquiry with absolutely no evidence. I noted a mostly Democratic effort to ban insider trading which is not yet law. What are you complaining about? Good to see you recognize Trump’s criminality. The comparison is still 91 felonies to nothing. A truly smart person looks at every potential angle and draws conclusions based on ALL evidence...

I do see what my sister calls the”ghetto mindset”. Many minorities living in the inner city believe that to get ahead you have to become a sports star, a drug pusher, or mother who knows how to work the welfare system. In part they are right. People don’t hire people with the ghetto mindset, thus some believe in it. It would be better if we could wave a magic wand and make it go away. Some are trying. Other minorities develop other ways of thought and the ghetto mindset is absolutely irrelevant. At work, I was with a former Army sergeant with a classic military perspective and another black engineer with a technical way of seeing things. Prejudiced views of subgroups do exist, but pure prejudice often goes way too far. Attributing a set of attributes to all members of a minority group is a badly flawed way of thinking. At any rate, the problem wouldn’t exist if the US hadn’t imported and exploited black slaves.

The link between the cultures of the Middle East and Africa with Europe was formed during periods of oppression. In hindsight, if attempts to exploit Middle Eastern oil or colonize Africa were not attempted, people would not be immigrating to the countries that exploited them. The countries would not feel obliged to help those they had not oppressed.

Of course, some do not care that they oppress. Exploit people and don’t try to make it up? Sounds like typical white conservative thinking. The Unites States to some is a white territory and it is legitimate to oppress everyone else. Others think all men created equal. Again, you have a choice between love and hate. Choose wisely.

I would agree that all should confront rule of law, including immigrants.

If I was missing for a day, it was the storm going over New England. I was without power for a day.

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Re: Minorities

Post by jdcpapa »

Bob Butler wrote:
Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:28 pm
Navigator wrote:
Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:12 pm
A truly smart person looks at every potential angle and draws conclusions based on ALL evidence...
The Republicans have opened an impeachment inquiry with absolutely no evidence. A truly smart person looks at every potential angle and draws conclusions based on ALL evidence...
Rep. Dan Meuser, R-Pa., said Hunter Biden is breaking the law by defying a congressional subpoena to give testimony about his foreign business dealings.

Meuser made his remarks Tuesday during an appearance on Newsmax's "Wake Up America."
"And he pretty much does whatever he wants," Meuser said.

"But here he's defying the law, it's pretty amazing. I mean the amount of evidence against him and [President] Joe Biden is overwhelming."

" I mean, it's just astonishing how 90% of the media states that there's no evidence against Joe Biden when there's 16 times he's lied, 22 contacts with the international arch criminals, from the Communist Chinese Party to the mayor of Moscow. … And it's just an endless amount, you know, so we're just going to keep on pushing based upon the evidence to find out what happened here and why they were paid millions of dollars from the darkest corner of the Earth."

Meuser also called into question a $200,000 loan Joe Biden reportedly gave his brother, Jim.

"You need a signed agreement and a promissory note," Meuser said of the loan. It's not a requirement, it's an IRS mandate, and if it's not done, it's considered tax evasion and tax fraud.

"And then you're also not paying taxes on any of the interest. So it's a crime. The penalty is up to five years in prison.

"So unless they produce this promissory note and a signed agreement for the so-called loan, there is no question about it — Joe Biden and his brother have committed tax fraud, and tax evasion, and face severe penalties." ... d/1146468/

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Bob Butler
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Authoritarian Expansionism

Post by Bob Butler »

I do have problems with people like Putin and Xi, attempting or talking about picking up territory in Ukraine, Formosa and the South China Sea. There is an authoritarian belief that war is still cost effective that drives them. NATO and the recent alliance about Asia are attempts to block that belief. The recent attempts by the Republicans to quash containment are a manifestation of Trump’s authoritarianism.

So Cool Breeze is once again creating an imaginary impression of my position.


Re: Authoritarian Expansionism

Post by Guest »

Bob Butler wrote:
Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:57 pm
I do have problems with people like Putin and Xi, attempting or talking about picking up territory in Ukraine, Formosa and the South China Sea.
It is interesting that they have picked up/attempted to pick up territory under Obama and Biden (and GWB), but not Trump. What is a reasonable explanation for this?

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Bob Butler
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Re: Authoritarian Expansionism

Post by Bob Butler »

Guest wrote:
Tue Dec 19, 2023 4:24 pm
Bob Butler wrote:
Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:57 pm
I do have problems with people like Putin and Xi, attempting or talking about picking up territory in Ukraine, Formosa and the South China Sea.
It is interesting that they have picked up/attempted to pick up territory under Obama and Biden (and GWB), but not Trump. What is a reasonable explanation for this?
At a wild guess they see Trump 's authoritarian side. They might want to make Trump look good? It's a guess though. I won't pretend to understand XI's decisions.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by spottybrowncow »

Bob Butler wrote:
Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:28 pm
The comparison is still 91 felonies to nothing. A truly smart person looks at every potential angle and draws conclusions based on ALL evidence...
Where do you get "91 felonies?" Trump has exactly 0 criminal convictions. What planet are you on?

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