Financial Topics avec aeden

Investments, gold, currencies, surviving after a financial meltdown
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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Ecuadorian law requires mining corporations to consult with impacted communities before starting operations. But last month, when the Palo Quemado community in Cotopaxi attempted to exercise this right, police and the military responded like Atico Mining henchmen, attacking more than 100 people and labeling them terrorists. One person was hospitalized and remains in critical condition according to a spokesperson from Extinction Rebellion Ecuador.

USD $157 million of interests between Ecuadorian State and Atico Mining Corporation in new ventures within the mining sector. March 05, 2024 09:28

50 years of exploitation and we’re still a very poor country.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Taxes are due today so make sure you pay as all the other assholes and open border uniparty skanks have already sent it under.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... k=T3-f7TKq

Missed your flight blame the open border uniparty cult.
Potatoe sacks for the progs sooner than they will ever or can think.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

You can't even send kids to schools as the predator State chops them up on numerous levels so you pay for a sane one
not wrapped in in rainbow flag. Your rot is uniparty and now utterly complete just as it was written.
Invisible from thin air was due yesterday. As it was said before now you got thousand and before you stabbed one to death.
Before we had been He wagered from dirt you have more worth than the ones who fell and are to be eternally separated.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

And that, my friends, is how it’s done. You don’t wait around and let these lunatics dictate the terms. ... delivered/

The other zones are brain dead and we do know many are trapped now.

Democrats will fix SF with 7 hour waits for two eggs and a pint of milk behind bullet proof glass as you ask the pronoun
Kommissar why are the crackers broke.

They have a proven track record of misery, poverty and oppression as their policies are as divorced from reality as uniparty is.
They refused to lift a finger to stop the rampant theft and want to punish businesses dumb enough to stay open also.
They tried to pull this shit on me, and it took over a decade for the retards to clean it up and yes, we said have a nice day get out.
Sign to closed a few days l8ter. Your stupid, and you will stay stupid, because you are that directive 10-289 stupid.

At this point they either support this or too stupid to get out.

Scalps and swings are suicide as data fragility will totally destroy you as in if/then the corp. black outs.
The next gap up will take you down and yes thats you retail.

Shadowy Mayorkas-Linked NGO In Mexico Tells Border Invaders To "Vote Biden". Uniparty will foam at the mouth as you go under.

Why systems fail.
Perfect opportunity for disinformation.

You actually think uniparty does. Legend.
Ryan Macbeth inaction figures.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » hais will laugh at you on the board genuis

you are not going to listen or care anyways

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

The fragmentation for vacuum effect was just that.
Monkey show trials and presstitutes as the taxpayers are now being
recycled for the flower shop.
Terror lists that are based upon opposing the political and financial looting goals.
Ask Amos Miller.
Every conservative in this country is on Biden's terror list as you pass 500 contracts with Customers
for calories to survive the GMO cults. Go ahead deny the total clown show in the beltway body farm now with
clown cars as bullet proof product centers fail in mass in bidenvilles genius fent death zones.
The uniparty rot is noted as terminal.

If they wanted to get away from communism, what the fuck are they doing here? ... k=aeNktF20
Fly over states know your deplorable coastal cults values. Burn loot murder lie cheat steal.

It's progressive policies like these that have created the price inflation that made your grocery, rent, car insurance payment and everything else unaffordable. Debt that will never be paid as you implode. Self-licking ice cream cone as taxes take you all out.

The only viable success story is an anecdote of one guy who was hired by the 'Non-Profit', that administered handing out money to
promote handing out money because he is successful.

Circular stupidity.

Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama said two weeks ago, in an interview with Steve Bannon that the U.S. has spent some $7 trillion over budget in the last three years, and 25 percent of that went to "climate change" projects. They are all like Solyndra, massively subsidized and within a decade, massive failures. "The investors take a tax loss," said Tuberville, "then move onto the next effort where they again loot the public." This is salted through all the investment banks, retirement accounts. It represents all putative growth, which is debt-fueled, every single penny. ... ery-of-the
In June of 2023, the Department of Energy admitted that it had allocated $1.3 trillion for "clean energy" investment support since 2020, and that spending rose 25 percent from 2021-23. This is a fraction of what was really spent. Further, this money is not only based in debt, thus raising inflation, but it is also raising energy prices. It is the principal reason that almost 25 percent of us, according to economist Peter St. Onge, have been forced to choose between heat and food this winter. ... tolen-vote
Komrad Kounters assured the selection tarball for such a long time they will and do care and will care less anyways.

Blue states already committed economic suicide and uniparty will make you will be drained in real time now.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

... filed for divorce this month in which she says “the anti-vax conspiracy theorist movement destroyed my life ...

we can only assume you're all on your 8 the dose to be real sure

should all be concerned about how the anti-vax and anti-trans movements radicalize their followers into phantasms that utterly stunt their ability to think critically

easter island b as we noted early is now a wasteland

locally you ran out of other people's money . . .

refuges from denver are rolling into other zones.

it's turned into a sh*thole

their stress goes down as gov removes money from your pocket to put it into theirs as it implodes and yes they will kill you

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... birmingham

This is part of a multi-day campaign across the swing state to convince unions and residents about more years of failed 'Bidenomics.'

The answer is no.
Inflation is reaccelerating.

Pittsburgh is nothing more than a political stunt.

Subsidized forges are the only ones left on the world. They put everyone else out of business.

Biden cut it to 7.5%, and now they want to return it to 25%, just in time for the election.

Monkeys in the wheelhouse alert.
Monkeys in the wheelhouse alert.
Monkeys in the wheelhouse alert.
Monkeys in the wheelhouse alert.

But they said punch the bully in the nose who busted the tax thief when they ran metals through Mexico then.

Fund Manager Survey marked the market peak and bottom in each of the past two years. ... s-summary/

We let the bullshit and bearism runs it course until buybacks blackouts ends next week, retail is getting the full reach around effect.
If/then on inputs will be gauged as such.

Best line of the week so far is - The Federal Reserve knows EXACTLY what it's doing.
We will look around may be as the black outs end.

Buffet said basically if you make more asleep than awake who is the one with a daylight problem.

Day's pay for a loaf of bread. If you know, you know.
The death flower shop is a feature of the demonic lunatics.

The next wave will end the rest of the fools as they utter the new economic cycle starting to unfold. yes thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands with morning toe tags from a swamp lunatic cult
with no borders and sticky wages written in blood. Enjoy your Venezuela NYC scooter death squads and that white paper ignored as the arc of instability.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Value in being independent.
However, according to therapists who need to be car jacked to get actually educated.

Fri Jul 05, 2019 6:43 am
ZEC's are owned and run by ex-employees now contract.
Labor projects are bid out by-the-hour in a development methodology called Agile, where ZEC's bid on project line items by the hour.
This allows mega-corporations to receive 80 hours labor for the price of 40. It's even more lucrative because they leverage the savings
into more profit by firing one payroll employee who's work is outsourced to a ZEC.
By the time the IRS knows what hit them- their tax base will consist of mostly minimum wage payroll employees.
About those tax receipts Dodsworth.
By the time the IRS knows what hit them- their tax base will consist of mostly minimum wage payroll employees.
The US spends and loses close to $1 Trillion per year on illegals who are low-IQ, low-education and low-skills
and will never survive without welfare. Cloward and Piven welfare Marxist plantations.

H is correct.
So now, due to those choices, the world is heading into a new dark age. In my opinion,
Washington is almost irrelevant because all they can do from here on out is choose various paths that will all lead to the new dark age.


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