Generational Dynamics World View News

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Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

John wrote:
Tue Aug 17, 2021 5:30 pm
** 17-Aug-2021 World View: The mood in South Korea and Taiwan
Guest wrote:
Mon Aug 16, 2021 4:20 pm

> It's from the official mouth piece of the CCP but the above linked
> article shows how the Afghan situation is being interpreted by
> players on the global stage. Also some commentators have noted
> (with naive shock) the "When not If" tone the article takes
> regarding military action to reintegrate Taiwan.
Guest wrote:
Tue Aug 17, 2021 7:48 am
> Today, my manager (I work in Seoul) told me that while watching
> news about the fall of Kabul, she felt that this is what America
> would do to South Korea. That is the mood here now. I can imagine
> the Taiwanese are even more afraid. A few of my co-workers talked
> about this too. They asked me what I thought the Americans would
> do under Biden. I told them I don't know.

> That's the mood here now.

> I wonder if this is what Biden was paid by the Chinese to do? Or
> is this also 4D chess...
It's hard to overestimate the size of the catastrophe unfolding in
Afghanistan, with fallout that will last for years. The catastrophe
was capped off by that ridiculous speech on Monday by the doddering
Bernie, who can barely read a teleprompter.

The stupidity and incompetence of the Biden administration is

So what does this mean for American defense of South Korea and Taiwan?

It would seem that this would indicate that America would not defend
its allies. But actually, it could have the opposite effect. The
Biden administration will not want to have a second black eye, so they
may actually be more likely than previously to provide a defense.
Biden hid in the Camp David basement for almost a week as the disaster unfolded in Afghanistan. Then they pumped him full of drugs so he could stagger in front of a podium and slur his way through a speech written by his handlers - or Kamala's team, who I think has the biggest hand in affairs. At one point he even went into his cringy whisper-into-the-mic, routine. Of all times....

He took no questions as he slowly walked in a daze toward his handlers (and an ice cream bar) behind a curtain.

The charade they're putting out in front of the world fools a lot of stupid, gullible, and stoned Americans but not the rest of the world. They are making their moves with full knowledge Biden is incompetent, suffering from dementia, and mainly focused on where his next bowl of pudding is coming from.

One catastrophe you didn't mention was the Biden Admin economic policy involving largess and Fed monetization of national debt. This alone may be the crippling blow and end of the US as a superpower. She will no longer be able to drive global foreign policy using greenbacks, or fund its massive military machine.

Along with the Koreans, since Trump started pressuring allies to take more responsibility for their defense, Japan has been in near panic, being uncertain the US will come to her aid when China attacks. Have to wait and see if Biden Admin leaders recognize how serious the implication of our Afghanistan betrayal is. I suspect China will make some tests soon to probe for vulnerabilities.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Burner Prime wrote:
Wed Aug 18, 2021 3:02 pm
Along with the Koreans, since Trump started pressuring allies to take more responsibility for their defense, Japan has been in near panic, being uncertain the US will come to her aid when China attacks. Have to wait and see if Biden Admin leaders recognize how serious the implication of our Afghanistan betrayal is. I suspect China will make some tests soon to probe for vulnerabilities.
Personally, I’m not sure if it’s worth defending South Korea anyhow. It doesn’t share a border with us, and its leadership’s loyalty to us is questionable.

Meanwhile, if you want to see an “Afghanistan betrayal,” the war itself was a betrayal of the American people, on multiple levels. It was presented to us as an adequate response to 9/11, while our government continued to coddle the actual perpetrators (Saudi Arabia and its al-Qaeda proxies). Meanwhile, our military had no coherent strategy, other than running around and blowing trillions of dollars on half-assed offensives and failed “nation-building” projects. This went on for nearly 20 years, and it’s about time the farce came to an end.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

The latest events in Afghanistan are a test for those who claim to be "anti-establishment." Let's see how many of them reveal their inner warmongers.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by spottybrowncow »

DaKardii wrote:
Wed Aug 18, 2021 3:57 pm
Personally, I’m not sure if it’s worth defending South Korea anyhow. It doesn’t share a border with us, and its leadership’s loyalty to us is questionable.
South Korea (and Taiwan) are large, prosperous, free members of the Western world. The optics of one (or both) being overrun by the Chinese, with no formidable U.S response, are, in my opinion, intolerable. In the hive mind of the CCP, there is no limit to what they can do if they take one of these countries without a walloping U.S. military response. Of course, that's only if you believe that we (the U.S.) are the end goal - then every preliminary conquest is a stepping stone, moving them that much closer to us.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by mps92 »

If China attacks Taiwan soon, Joe Biden could, in an effort to save face, shock the world by coming to Taiwan’s defense. This would certainly cause WWIII. John, do you see this as a possibility?

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by spottybrowncow »

I could see that happening. But to nitpick, it wouldn't be Biden doing it, it would be the "mystery marionettist(s)."

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FullMoon »

mps92 wrote:
Wed Aug 18, 2021 7:13 pm
If China attacks Taiwan soon, Joe Biden could, in an effort to save face, shock the world by coming to Taiwan’s defense. This would certainly cause WWIII. John, do you see this as a possibility?
Not to speak for the man, but obviously Yes.
I'd be grateful for anyone offering predictions as to timeline and series of events going forward. Navigator has said one year to kinetic with financial beforehand. That's getting sooner by the day for those of us behind in preparations.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 19-Aug-2021 World View: Defending Taiwan
mps92 wrote:
Wed Aug 18, 2021 7:13 pm
> If China attacks Taiwan soon, Joe Biden could, in an effort to
> save face, shock the world by coming to Taiwan’s defense. This
> would certainly cause WWIII. John, do you see this as a
> possibility?
There's never been any doubt in my mind that the US would defend
Taiwan against an attack by Communist China. In my mind, I've thought
that the nature of the response would depend on circumstances --
immediate response vs a few days delay, for example.

It's assumed by many that a major part of China's strategy in an
attack on Taiwan would be to do so quickly, so that any delay in
America's response would be met by a fait accompli, and the
world would have to simply accept the new reality.

This idea was described in Chi Haotian's 2003 speech:
> "Take response to war as an example. The reason that
> the United States remains today is that it has never seen war on
> its mainland. Once its enemies aim at the mainland, these enemies
> would reach Washington before its congress finishes debating and
> authorizes the president to declare war. But for us, we don’t
> waste time on these trivial things. Comrade Deng Xiaoping once
> said, “The Party’s leadership is prompt in making decisions. Once
> a decision is made, it is immediately implemented. There’s no
> wasting time on trivial things like in capitalist countries. This
> is our advantage! Our Party’s democratic centralism is built on
> the tradition of great unity.”"
> viewtopic.php?p=63225#p63225
I think that one "lesson learned" from the Afghanistan catastrophe
will be the cost of delay. As the coup was unfolding, Bernie and
Psaki thought it too unimportant to interrupt their vacations, and
didn't plan to go back to Washington and address the problem
until .... today 8/19.

So I believe that if the Afghanistan catastrophe has any effect at all
on the American response to an attack by the Gongshi Blood Company on
Taiwan, it will be to speed up the response.

That's speculation, but there's no doubt in my mind that America would
defend Taiwan.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 19-Aug-2021 World View: Covid-19 as regeneracy event
Guest wrote: > John, given the universal shock/outrage over Afghanistan, could
> this be the regeneracy event? Or is an attack on the homeland
> absolutely necessary?
John J. Xenakis wrote: > ** 16-Aug-2021 World View: Regeneracy event

> No, absolutely not. Believe me, when an ACTUAL regeneracy event
> occurs, you won't have to ask.
nguyenivy wrote: > Should the COVID-19 pandemic being declared in March 2020 be
> considered at least the start of the regeneracy? The big thing I
> think it's doing even still now is getting everyone to evaluate
> their lives all around. While we have vaccines and they are
> working, it seems it's not fast enough to stop the momentum of
> what changed before the vaccines, like remote working for
> one. Recent news articles been changing their tune to 'living with
> COVID' and it overall becoming more of a long-term thing rather
> than the temporary crisis it was thought to be in its 1st
> year.
I would give the same answer as previously: When an ACTUAL regeneracy
event occurs, you won't have to ask.

In generational theory, the word "regeneracy" refers to events that
occur during a Crisis era that "regenerate civic unity" for the first
time since the end of the previous crisis war, in this case WW II.

It's obvious that Covid-19 has most definitely NOT regenerated civic
unity. To the contrary, Covid-19 has been extremely politically

In fact, it's interesting that the Afghanistan catastrophe has done a
lot more to regenerate civic unity than Covid-19 ever did.

Still, it's an interesting question WHY Covid-19 did not generate
civic unity. After all, it was pretty much an act of war by China,
and that should have been enough. In fact, Trump immediately
identified it as the "China virus," which should have unified the
country against China.

I believe that it was a victory of Communist China's international
"United Front Work Department (UFWD)," which can be thought as China's
"civic unity," but much more powerful. The UFWD works through the
Chinese diaspora worldwide.

China's president Xi Jinping once used the term "magic weapon" to
refer to China's United Front Work Department. Officially it focuses
on building support for the Communist Party in China, but it's become
a coercive propaganda tool targeting Chinese globally, especially in
Australia, New Zealand, the U.S., and Canada, but in other countries
as well. The agency particularly surveils and targets Chinese
students abroad and foreign universities to adopt language that favors
pro-Beijing policies, such as delegitimizing Taiwan, and Western
ideals and values, such as liberal democracy, Christianity, or Falun

So I believe that the divisiveness of Covid-19 on American politics
was a victory for China's UFWD. The Chinese have targeted many
American politicians (remember Eric Swalwell and Fang Fang and
remember Hunter Biden), and they used those relationships to describe
any criticism of China as "racist."

A good example of this occurred in February 2020, when the "highly
respected" journal The Lancet published a statement signed by 27
"scientists" saying, “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy
theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin."
They blamed the lab leak theory as a "conspiracy theory" advocated by
Trump. This is how the UFWD works with Western politicians,
especially Democrats. A few months ago, Democrats had to admit that
Trump was right and they were wrong, and it turns out that the Lancet
article was organized by a group being paid by the Chinese Communists.

So the Chinese Communists' manipulation of American politicians,
especially the Democrats, explains why an act of war like the Wuhan
Coronavirus was never accepted as a "regeneration of civic unity," but
instead served to be divisive.

On the other hand, the Afghanistan debacle is somewhat regenerating
civic unity, since the disaster affects both political parties, and
there's nothing like the UFWD interfering.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Guest wrote:
Wed Aug 18, 2021 8:43 am
Cool Breeze wrote:
Tue Aug 17, 2021 7:47 pm
Guest wrote:
Tue Aug 17, 2021 1:51 pm

I think you would say wealth can go hand in hand with spiritual decay/demoralization, but it doesn't have to. In the case of white Americans in recent decades, it seems to have gone hand in hand.

By itself, I would not think of wealth as a stressor. It can mostly be the opposite. Wealth can provide relief from stress, but not always. Wouldn't spiritual decay/demoralization come about because of stressors and not be a stressor itself? What would those stressors be?

Can seeing and identifying "Wealth and spiritual decay/demoralization" all around you be used to make predictions of future population numbers? You are saying that is the stressor causing the population of white Americans to go down. Were you able to predict on this forum that the population of white Americans would fall almost 10% from 2010 to 2020 according to the Census numbers? Are you able to predict what the population of white Americans will be in the future out to 2030 and maybe even further by looking at "Wealth and spiritual decay/demoralization" and measuring it in some way?
I'd have to do some research, but if I were interested in it, I might be able to - the answer is yes, it is quite likely I would be able to. But I don't know.

The wealth effect is primarily one of "getting to the women" since they are the gatekeepers. Women eat up propaganda and are overwhelmingly social conformists, so if you get to them, you'll get the decrease in population.
It would be interesting to see the results of your research and that of others on this forum. I've been reading old posts here and have yet to run across any posts which predicted this very large decrease in the white population in America, and all of that decrease was pre-COVID. I'm wondering what that means. Did other huge empires like the British Empire experience this same sort of huge decline in their core populations as their empires retreated? Or were the women in those empires not ones to "eat up propaganda" and they didn't "get to them'? Has a decrease like this happened during previous generational dynamics periods? I'm wondering if the next 10 years will bring an even greater decline and what that may mean.
I would guess it will (continue to decrease) for many reasons, yes. The difference now is that technology created efficiencies and economies of scale that allow global powers like the USA not only to be even greater economically, but become so gargantuan and with USD as the reserve, that they take a long time (obviously more than anyone thinks since all the projections of collapse economically at least have been wrong) to destroy the momentum and laurels / wonderful productivity and history that the country was built on. Technology to make the world smaller and take advantage of women's hypergamy, along with propagandizing them to destroy their highest value and fertility times (20s) for a career is coupled with men being replaced by the leviathan government that allows for little consequences of women's bad decisions. Mostly, this hollowed out the middle class (mostly whites), since the super rich have kids and on balance even though the poor or low class have abortions to a large degree, they only get PAID if they pop out kids, so they relatively have more. Men are noticeably, and slowly but surely, exiting a system that doesn't incentivize them from working hard, as women can be promiscuous and give their highest value times and virginity to men who aren't going to marry them; the leftovers are used up and that's incidentally when men's value (30-50) is ascending, and highest. Lying to women hurt everyone, and the left is especially good at social propaganda, and women are the least resistant - this has a HUGE impact in the tech and social media/streaming age.

Back in the day there were not easy ways to see how others were doing/living, you couldn't easily know about a young attractive woman in a po-dunk town, and the government wasn't large to cover up for women being sluts, the pill was less ubiquitous and abortions less available - it's truly a decade by decade disgusting demonic transformation for anyone who cares about healthy family formation and children with proper parenting.

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